Vol. 11 No. 19 · 12 October 1989

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Vol. 11 No. 19 · 12 October 1989

Peter Clarke

The Time of My life by Denis Healey. Joseph, 512 pp., £17.95, October 1989, 0 7181 3114 2


Patrick Curry, Ursula Debreczeni, Phyllis Grosskurth, Anthony Barnett, Charlotte Brewer, Christopher Upward, Roy MacGregor-Hastie, Earl Miner, Dennis Walder, Davis Oldham

William Rodgers

A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-88 by Chris Cook. Macmillan, 216 pp., £9.95, August 1989, 0 333 44884 7
Against Goliath by David Steel. Weidenfeld, 318 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 9780297796787
Labour’s Decline and the Social Democrats’ Fall by Geoffrey Lee Williams and Alan Lee Williams. Macmillan, 203 pp., £29.50, July 1989, 0 333 46541 5
Penhaligon by Annette Penhaligon. Bloomsbury, 262 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 0 7475 0501 2
Citizens’ Britain: A Radical Agenda for the 1990s by Paddy Ashdown. Fourth Estate, 159 pp., £5.95, September 1989, 1 872180 45 0

Keith Kyle

Keith Joseph: A Single Mind by Morrison Halcrow. Macmillan, 205 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 0 333 49016 9

Paul Foot

The Intelligence Game: Illusions and Delusions of International Espionage by James Rusbridger. Bodley Head, 320 pp., £12.95, August 1989, 0 370 31242 2
The Truth about Hollis by W.J. West. Duckworth, 230 pp., £14.95, September 1989, 0 7156 2286 2

Richard Overy

Second World War by Martin Gilbert. Weidenfeld, 846 pp., £18.95, August 1989, 9780297796169
The Second World War by John Keegan. Hutchinson, 608 pp., £19.95, September 1989, 0 09 174011 8

David Drew

War Requiems

John Bayley

Albertine gone by Marcel Proust, translated by Terence Kilmartin. Chatto, 99 pp., £11.95, August 1989, 0 7011 3359 7
Marcel Proust: A Biography by George Painter. Chatto, 446 pp., £20, August 1989, 0 7011 3421 6
The Book of Proust by Philippe Michel-Thiriet, translated by Jan Dalley. Chatto, 406 pp., £25, August 1989, 0 7011 3360 0
Marcel Proust. Selected Letters: Vol II, 1904-1909 essays by Philip Kolb, translated by Terence Kilmartin. Collins, 482 pp., £25, September 1989, 0 00 217078 7

Mark Ford

Poem: ‘Policing Beaconsfield’

Frank Kermode

Bernard Shaw. Vol. II: The Pursuit of Power by Michael Holroyd. Chatto, 422 pp., £18, September 1989, 0 7011 3350 3

Ferdinand Mount

We Are Still Married by Garrison Keillor. Faber, 330 pp., £11.99, September 1989, 0 571 14140 4

Tom Farer

Bush’s Choice

Richard Poirier

Manhood and the American Renaissance by David Leverenz. Cornell, 372 pp., $35.75, April 1989, 0 8014 2281 7

Christopher Hitchens

Diary: Andy Warhol at MoMA

Graham Walker

James Connolly: A Political Biography by Austen Morgan. Manchester, 244 pp., £9.95, October 1989, 0 7190 2958 9
James Connolly: Selected Writings edited by P. Beresford Ellis. Pluto, 256 pp., £8.95, April 1988, 9780745302676

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