Vol. 11 No. 11 · 1 June 1989

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Cover Artist

David McNeil

John Bayley

The Life of Graham Greene. Vol. I: 1904-1939 by Norman Sherry


George Wickham, Antoinette Burton, Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Cushing Strout, Richard Crosfield, Hilda Snowden, R.A. Minter

Anthony Howard

By God’s Will: A Portrait of the Sultan of Brunei by Lord Chalfont
The Richest Man in the World: The Sultan of Brunei by James Bartholomew

David Gilmour

Prepared for the worst: Selected Essays and Minority Reports by Christopher Hitchens

Angela Carter

Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel in 100,000 Words by Milorad Pavic, translated by Christina Pribicevic-Zoric

Wendy Steiner

Real Presences by George Steiner

Ruth Fainlight

Poem: ‘Bouzigues’

Tony Harrison

Poem: ‘The Pomegranates of Patmos’

Mark Edmundson

Ruin the sacred truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present by Harold Bloom
Harold Bloom: Towards Historical Rhetorics by Peter de Bolla

J.E. McGuire

The Genesis of the Copernican World by Hans Blumenberg, translated by Robert Wallace

Tom Shippey

Medieval Civilisation 400-1500 by Jacques Le Goff, translated by Julia Barrow
The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages. Vol. I: 350-950 edited by Robert Fossier, translated by Janet Sondheimer
The Medieval Imagination by Jacques Le Goff, translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Concepts of Cleanliness: Changing Attitudes in France since the Middle Ages by Georges Vigarello, translated by Jean Birrell
Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas and Power by Jesse Byock

Dinah Birch

The Darkened Room: Women, Power and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England by Alex Owen

Rosalind Mitchison

Wet Nursing: A History from Antiquity to the Present by Valerie Fildes
Women and Marriage in 19th-Century England by Joan Perkin
Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain 1660-1760 by Lorna Weatherill
Childhood in 19th-Century France: Work, Health and Education among the ‘Classes Populaires’ by Colin Heywood

David Nokes

The Well-Known Troublemaker: A Life of Charlotte Charke by Fidelis Morgan
The Ladies: Female Patronage of Restoration Drama by David Roberts
The Complete Lover: Eros, Nature and Artifice in the 18th-Century French Novel by Angelica Goodden

Penelope Fitzgerald

On the Golden Porch by Tatyana Tolstaya, translated by Antonia Bouis
Balancing Acts: Contemporary Stories by Russian Women edited by Helena Goscilo

Tatyana Tolstaya

Discovering America

John Lanchester

Manchester United: The Betrayal of a Legend by Michael Crick and David Smith
Football in its Place: An Environmental Psychology of Football Grounds by David Canter, Miriam Comber and David Uzzell

Karl Miller

Diary: Football Tribes

Patricia Craig

English Children and their Magazines 1751-1945 by Kirsten Drotner
Frank Richards: The Chap behind the Chums by Mary Cadogan
A History of Children’s Book Illustration by Joyce Irene Whalley and Tessa Rose Chester
Manchester Polytechnic Library of Children’s Books 1840-1939: ‘From Morality to Adventure’ by W.H. Shercliff
Children’s Modern First Editions: Their Value to Collectors by Joseph Connolly

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