Vol. 9 No. 19 · 29 October 1987

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Danny Gralton

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Vol. 9 No. 19 · 29 October 1987

Patrick Wright

White Chappell: Scarlet Tracings by Iain Sinclair


J. Arch Getty, Frank Palmer, Robert Crawford, Julietta Harvey, John Bayley, David Stafford-Clark, M. Bapp, Keith Walker

Richard Altick

George Scharf’s London: Sketches and Watercolours of a Changing City, 1820-50 by Peter Jackson

Neil Berry

Britain’s Asians

Paul Seabright

Sri Lanka’s Crisis

Mary-Kay Wilmers

Tears before Bedtime by Barbara Skelton
In the Pink by Caroline Blackwood

Frank Kermode

Oscar Wilde by Richard Ellmann

Les Murray

Two Poems

Andrew Scull

The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980 by Elaine Showalter

John Barber

Socialism, Peace and Democracy: Writings, Speeches and Reports by Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev by Zhores Medvedev
The Sixth Continent: Russia and Mikhail Gorbachov by Mark Frankland
Shadows and Whispers: Power Politics inside the Kremlin from Brezhnev to Gorbachev by Dusko Doder
Pravda: Inside the Soviet News Machine by Angus Roxburgh
Utopia in Power: A History of the USSR from 1917 to the Present by Michel Heller and Aleksandr Nekrich

Walter Patterson

Sarcophagus by Vladimir Gubaryev, translated by Michael Glenny
The Star Chernobyl by Julia Voznesenskaya
Chernobyl: A Novel by Frederick Pohl
Mayday at Chernobyl by Henry Hamman and Stuart Parrott
State of the World 1987: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society by Lester Brown

John Bayley

How I Grew by Mary McCarthy
Myself and Michael Innes by J.I.M. Stewart

John Rosselli

Verdi: A Life in the Theatre by Charles Osborne

Tony Blair

Diary: Thatcherism

Tom Paulin

Emily Dickinson by Helen McNeil
Emily Dickinson: Looking to Canaan by John Robinson
Emily Dickinson: A Poet’s Grammar by Christanne Miller
Emily Dickinson: The Poet on the Second Story by Jerome Loving

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