V.G. Kiernan

V.G. Kiernan on treason


Denis Donoghue, Padraig O Conchuir, John Pepall, Shirrell Larsen, Paul Johnson, John-Paul Flintoff, Mary Lewis, Gillian Beer, John Nicoll

M.F. Perutz

Klaus Fuchs: The man who stole the atom bomb by Norman Moss. Grafton, 216 pp., £12.95, April 1987, 0 246 13158 6

Roy Porter

Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin. Secker, 259 pp., £10.95, June 1987, 0 436 13961 8

Noel Russell

The Provisional IRA by Patrick Bishop and Eamonn Mallie. Heinemann, 374 pp., £12.95, June 1987, 0 434 07410 1
Ten Men Dead by David Beresford. Grafton, 432 pp., £3.50, May 1987, 0 586 06533 4

Frank Kermode

Close Quarters by William Golding. Faber, 281 pp., £9.95, June 1987, 0 571 14779 8

John Bayley

Collected Poems by George Barker, edited by Robert Fraser. Faber, 838 pp., £27.50, May 1987, 0 571 13972 8
By Grand Central Station I sat down and wept by Elizabeth Smart, introduced by Brigid Brophy. Grafton, 126 pp., £2.50, July 1987, 0 586 02083 7

Marilyn Butler

Computation into Criticism: A Study of Jane Austen’s Novels and an Experiment in Method by J.F Burrows. Oxford, 245 pp., £25, February 1987, 0 19 812856 8

Raymond Williams

Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the 19th Century by Marjorie Reeves and Warwick Gould. Oxford, 365 pp., £35, March 1987, 0 19 826672 3
Beauty and Belief: Aesthetics and Religion in Victorian Literature by Hilary Fraser. Cambridge, 287 pp., £25, January 1987, 0 521 30767 8
The Correspondence of John Ruskin and Charles Eliot Norton edited by John Bradley and Ian Ousby. Cambridge, 537 pp., £45, April 1987, 0 521 32091 7

John Barrell

Past and Present in Art and Taste: Selected Essays by Francis Haskell. Yale, 256 pp., £20, March 1987, 0 300 03607 8

W.J.T. Mitchell

The Golden Age of Criticism: Seven Theses and a Commentary

Ian Hamilton

Poem: ‘An Alternative Agenda’

John Tranter

Poem: ‘Shadow Detail’

Susanne Chowdhury

Poem: ‘I’ve worked it out’

Michael Hofmann

Our Conquest by Gert Hofmann, translated by Christopher Middleton. Carcanet, 281 pp., £9.95, March 1987, 0 85635 687 5

Charles Nicholl

Cuts by Malcolm Bradbury. Hutchinson, 106 pp., £6.95, April 1987, 0 09 168280 0
No, Not Bloomsbury by Malcolm Bradbury. Deutsch, 373 pp., £17.95, May 1987, 9780233980133
The Last Romantics by Caroline Seebohm. Weidenfeld, 322 pp., £10.95, May 1987, 0 297 79056 0
The Magician’s Girl by Doris Grumbach. Hamish Hamilton, 206 pp., £10.95, May 1987, 0 241 12114 0

E.S. Turner

The Golden Oriole: Childhood, Family and Friends in India by Raleigh Trevelyan. Secker, 536 pp., £16.95, May 1987, 0 436 53403 7

Amit Chaudhuri

Poem: ‘St Cyril Road, Bombay’

Francis Spufford

Sugar by A.S. Byatt. Chatto, 224 pp., £10.95, April 1987, 0 7011 3169 1

Doris Grumbach

Willa Cather: The Emerging Voice by Sharon O’Brien. Oxford, 544 pp., £22.50, March 1987, 0 19 504132 1

Karl Miller

Diary: London to Canberra

Paul Driver

Orientations by Pierre Boulez, edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, translated by Martin Cooper. Faber, 541 pp., £25, July 1986, 9780571138111

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