Vol. 9 No. 11 · 4 June 1987

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Cover Artist

David Gentleman

R.W. Johnson

Traitors: The Labyrinths of Treason by Chapman Pincher
The Secrets of the Service: British Intelligence and Communist Subversion 1939-51 by Anthony Glees
Freedom of Information – Freedom of the Individual? by Clive Ponting, John Ranelagh, Michael Zander and Simon Lee, edited by Julia Neuberger


Edna Longley, Clive Wilmer, John Pikoulis, Richard Stern, Lucio Ruotolo

Ryszard Kapuściński

Poem: ‘At an Exhibition: ‘The Polish Peasant in Photographs to 1944’

Paul Foot

Prime Minister: The Conduct of Policy under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan by Bernard Donoughue
Time and Chance by James Callaghan

Michael Stewart

Kinnock by Michael Leapman
The Thatcher Years: A Decade of Revolution in British Politics by John Cole
Thatcherism and British Politics: The End of Consensus? by Dennis Kavanagh
The New Right: The Counter-Revolution in Political, Social and Economic Thought by David Green

Brian Harrison

Labour People, Leaders and Lieutenants: Hardie to Kinnock by Kenneth O. Morgan
J. Ramsay MacDonald by Austen Morgan
Sylvia Pankhurst: Portrait of a Radical by Patricia Romero
Sylvia and Christabel Pankhurst by Barbara Castle

Edward Timms

Rosa Luxemburg: A Life by Elzbieta Ettinger

John Bayley

The Faber Book of Diaries edited by Simon Brett
A Lasting Relationship: Parents and Children over Three Centuries by Linda Pollock

Seamus Heaney

Sounding Auden

E.S. Turner

The Life of My Choice by Wilfred Thesiger
Worlds Apart: Travels in War and Peace by Gavin Young

John Sutherland

Witchcraft by Nigel Williams
Without Falling by Leslie Dick
Outlaws by George V. Higgins

Beatrix Campbell

Forever England by Beryl Bainbridge
Nottinghamshire by Alan Sillitoe
Left behind: Journeys into British Politics by David Selbourne

Carolyn Steedman

Diary: Tory Ladies

Peter Campbell

J.M.W. Turner: ‘A Wonderful Range of Mind’ by John Gage
Turner in his Time by Andrew Wilton
Turner in the South: Rome, Naples, Florence by Cecilia Powell
The Paintings of J.M.W. Turner by Martin Butlin and Evelyn Joll
The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery 
Turner Watercolours by Andrew Wilton

Alistair Elliot

Poem: ‘Some Scottish Music’

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