The Horror of Money
Michael Wood, 8 December 1988
The Pink and the Green
by Stendhal, translated by Richard Howard.
Hamish Hamilton, 148 pp., £10.95, July 1988,0 241 12289 9 Show More
by Stendhal, translated by Richard Howard.
Hamish Hamilton, 148 pp., £10.95, July 1988,
Stendhal’s Violin: A Novelist and his Reader
by Roger Pearson.
Oxford, 294 pp., £30, February 1988,0 19 815851 3 Show More
by Roger Pearson.
Oxford, 294 pp., £30, February 1988,
“... Stendhal wrote compulsively from an early age. He scribbled copious advice to himself in a diary, coached his elder sister by correspondence, wrote travel books, autobiographies, a treatise on love, books on composers and painters. He wrote fast too, completed Le Rouge et le Noir while he was receiving the proofs of the work’s earlier chapters, and notoriously dashed off the whole of La Chartreuse de Parme in seven weeks ... ”