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I hadn’t even seen the Alhambra

Sheila Heti: Ben Lerner, 30 August 2012

Leaving the Atocha Station 
by Ben Lerner.
Granta, 181 pp., £14.99, July 2012, 978 1 84708 689 1
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... At the start of Leaving the Atocha Station, Adam Gordon, a young American in Spain for a year on a fellowship, purportedly to write ‘a long, research-driven poem’ about the Spanish Civil War’s ‘literary legacy’, goes into the Prado and heads for Rogier Van der Weyden’s Descent from the Cross. He has been standing in front of it every morning since he arrived in Madrid, but today he finds a man in his place, facing the painting – or maybe the wall ...

But I invested in you!

Sheila Heti: How to Be an Asshole, 17 July 2014

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. 
by Adelle Waldman.
Windmill, 244 pp., £8.99, April 2014, 978 0 09 955899 6
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... There​ was a time when artists and writers flocked to inexpensive cities to allow themselves the trials of making art over the trials of making a living. In North America today, the main site of literary activity or literary business – which more and more amount to the same thing – is Brooklyn. Yet it’s probably one of the toughest places for a writer to live cheaply and noodle about, wearing rags ...

I dive under the covers

Sheila Heti: Mad Wives, 6 June 2013

by Kate Zambreno.
Semiotext(e), 309 pp., £12.95, November 2012, 978 1 58435 114 6
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... In 2009 Kate Zambreno went to live in Akron, Ohio, the sort of place you only choose if the situation is desperate. She was there because her husband had been hired to ‘curate and organise a small collection of rare books at the university … the gift of a rubber industrialist’. Friends asked why they’d made this uninspiring move. ‘The economy, you know ...

So Frank

Sheila Heti: Meeting Knausgaard, 9 January 2014

My Struggle: Book 2. A Man in Love 
by Karl Ove Knausgaard, translated by Don Bartlett.
Vintage, 544 pp., £8.99, October 2013, 978 0 09 955517 9
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... Last year, I happened to meet the Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard. I had just read part of Book 1 of My Struggle, his six-volume autobiographical series, and in a scene that imprinted itself on my memory – a scene from his childhood, set on New Year’s Eve before he heads out with his friends – he steps into the family kitchen: I got up, grabbed the orange peel, went into the kitchen, where mum was scrubbing potatoes, opened the cupboard beside her and dropped the peel in the wastebin, watched dad walk across the drive, running a hand through his hair in that characteristic way of his, after which I went upstairs to my room, closed the door behind me, put on a record and lay down on my bed again ...

Didn’t we agree to share?

Sheila Heti: ‘The First Wife’, 13 July 2017

The First Wife 
by Paulina Chiziane, translated by David Brookshaw.
Archipelago, 250 pp., £14.99, August 2016, 978 0 914671 48 0
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... In​ 1990, when she was 35 years old, Paulina Chiziane became the first woman in Mozambique to publish a novel. She has since published six more books, writing in Portuguese, and is one of Mozambique’s most culturally significant writers. In interviews, Chiziane has explained that she has received a lot of criticism for her books from people who think that the women’s lives she depicts aren’t deserving of attention; that the subject matter of a number of her books – women in love, as it were – is decadent, in a country where there is so much development work to be done ...

It could be me

Joanna Biggs: Sheila Heti, 24 January 2013

How Should a Person Be? 
by Sheila Heti.
Harvill Secker, 306 pp., £16.99, January 2013, 978 1 84655 754 5
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... by the satisfaction of spotting the shaping hand. I was watching a reality show for the art of it. Sheila Heti’s second novel, How Should a Person Be?, has a lot of the same anxious pleasures. The ‘novel from life’ – a marketing tag, not a manifesto – caused a stir when it was published in the US in June. James Wood reviewed it at length in the ...

Critics in the Sky

Emily Witt: Sheila Heti’s New Cosmology, 21 April 2022

Pure Colour 
by Sheila Heti.
Harvill Secker, 216 pp., £16.99, February, 978 1 78730 280 8
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... Sheila Heti​ writes novels about the burden of freedom. Her characters navigate their lives as if the world were new and traditions obsolete; they can’t trust history, but they don’t trust intuition either. In How Should a Person Be? (2010), the main character, also called Sheila, tries to answer the question posed by the title through minute observation of her closest friends ...

Short Cuts

Joanna Biggs: Transcendental Wardrobes, 18 December 2014

... Everything I put on reflected something bad about me. There are several collections of clothes in Sheila Heti, Heidi Julavits and Leanne Shapton’s book about the problem of dressing, Women in Clothes (Particular Books, £24): from the impossibly glamorous 16 fur coats in teddy-bear shades belonging to Marlene Barber to the mundane 47 hair grips, black ...

She wore Isabel Marant

Joanna Biggs: Literary London, 2 August 2018

by Olivia Laing.
Picador, 140 pp., £12.99, June 2018, 978 1 5098 9283 9
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... the hip blend of fiction and memoir associated with writers like Knausgaard, Ben Lerner or Sheila Heti. If most of Crudo is true, then what does the novel gain by being a novel at all? At the back of the book, all the quotations are identified, providing a key of sorts. But Laing’s own Twitter feed is another key to the novel, as is the sort of ...

Get a Lobotomy

Sally Rooney: ‘Motherhood’, 30 August 2018

by Sheila Heti.
Harvill Secker, 277 pp., £16.99, May 2018, 978 1 84655 837 5
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... doesn’t strike me as a better or more important achievement than having one – or none. Sheila Heti’s new book, Motherhood, confronts the philosophical questions raised by childbearing and womanhood in a narrative both fictional and non-fictional. ‘I know a woman who refuses to mother, refuses to do the most important thing,’ ...

Thanks for being called Dick

Jenny Turner: ‘I Love Dick’, 17 December 2015

I Love Dick 
by Chris Kraus.
Tuskar Rock, 261 pp., £12.99, November 2015, 978 1 78125 647 3
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... ago in the Guardian. ‘Deeply feminist, formally both out of control and expertly in control,’ Sheila Heti wrote in the Believer in 2013. ‘Once it came into my hands it didn’t leave them until the book was done.’ So back to the basic setup: 3 December 1994 is the date of the primal sushi dinner in Pasadena. It’s followed by much alcohol at ...

Short Cuts

Tom Crewe: ‘Parallel Lives’, 2 April 2020

... have become the cult classic it’s now considered to be: ‘a shared favourite’ according to Sheila Heti; ‘the book Nora Ephron read every four years’, the new edition proudly informs us. (Mlotek claimed in her New York Times piece that she read it on average ‘every four or five months’.) Why otherwise would anyone seek to find clues about ...

How tf was I privileged?

Christian Lorentzen: ‘Fuccboi’, 10 March 2022

by Sean Thor Conroe.
Wildfire, 341 pp., £16.99, January, 978 1 4722 9310 7
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... the taboo, the unsayable, the material grounded in shame, is what literature must express. From Sheila Heti, that dedication to art can be a valid substitute for procreation and family life, leading to ‘Book Babies’ in place of human ones. Well, sure. Not incorrect but somewhat trite takeaways, as a dweeb on NPR might say. In the shadow of these ...

I feel sorry for sex

Erin Maglaque: Lauren Berlant’s Maximalism, 18 May 2023

On the Inconvenience of Other People 
by Lauren Berlant.
Duke, 238 pp., £21.99, September 2022, 978 1 4780 1845 2
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... Uncle Tom’s Cabin) for evidence of historical affect. Contemporary novels by authors such as Sheila Heti, Ottessa Moshfegh and Jenny Offill convey the inertia and passivity Berlant describes in Cruel Optimism. In Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018), the central character drugs herself with sleeping pills to switch off from ‘anything ...

Excessive Weeping

Lauren Oyler: Nicole Flattery’s Stories, 10 October 2019

Show Them a Good Time 
by Nicole Flattery.
Bloomsbury, 238 pp., £14.99, March 2019, 978 1 5266 1190 1
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... their boyfriends, with non sequiturs, odd questions and unexpected barbs, like a Miranda July or Sheila Heti character but meaner. The writing is only unmemorable because the existence Flattery depicts is too. The clipped quirkiness of her prose relieves the text of the burden of narrative, which to Flattery usually means tedious contrivance or ...

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