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Homely Virtues

David Cannadine, 4 August 1983

London: The Unique City 
by Steen Eiler Rasmussen.
MIT, 468 pp., £7.30, May 1982, 0 262 68027 0
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Town Planning in London: The 18th and 19th Centuries 
by Donald Olsen.
Yale, 245 pp., £25, October 1982, 0 300 02914 4
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The English Terraced House 
by Stefan Muthesius.
Yale, 278 pp., £12.50, November 1982, 0 300 02871 7
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London as it might have been 
by Felix Barker and Ralph Hyde.
Murray, 223 pp., £12.50, May 1982, 0 7195 3857 2
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... on paper.’ One such was for a terrace at Norwood in the 1850s, which is included in Baker and Hyde’s attractive anthology of London’s freaks, follies and fantasies from the 17th century to the present day. Of the many discarded designs and rejected plans, everyone will have their favourite. For grandeur, there is Wren’s abortive ‘Great ...

The Crystal Palace Experience

E.S. Turner: The Great Exhibition of 1851, 25 November 1999

The Great Exhibition of 1851: A Nation on Display 
by Jeffrey Auerbach.
Yale, 280 pp., £25, October 1999, 0 300 08007 7
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... the great unwashed and the sort of women who gave suck in public. The Times said it would ruin Hyde Park and lower property values. Rotten Row was imperilled. The Grand Cham of reaction, Colonel Sibthorpe, assuming the mantle of environmentalist, agitated endlessly to save a clump of trees, which in the end were enclosed unharmed inside the building’s ...

Much of a Scramble

Francesca Wade: Ray Strachey, 23 January 2020

A Working Woman: The Remarkable Life of Ray Strachey 
by Jennifer Holmes.
Troubador, 392 pp., £20, February 2019, 978 1 78901 654 3
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... mob of hooligans’ on the Mud March of February 1907: three thousand women walked from Hyde Park Corner to Exeter Hall in the wind and rain, their skirts trailing in the muddy gutter. In the holidays, staying with Ellie’s grandmother in Surrey, they bicycled round villages, delivering impromptu lectures to passers-by, encountering ‘on the whole ...


Alan Bennett: My 2006, 4 January 2007

... so also do a collection of people whom I’ve never seen before, and in such numbers that David Hyde Pierce, who is presenting it, is practically elbowed out of the way. These turn out to be the backers who, of course, have every reason to be pleased and indeed one of them duly adjusts my tie. I am then bundled out through a back door and across the street ...

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