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Return of the Male

Martin Amis, 5 December 1991

Iron John: A Book about Men 
by Robert Bly.
Element, 268 pp., £12.95, September 1991, 9781852302337
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The way men think: Intellect, Intimacy and the Erotic Imagination 
by Liam Hudson and Bernadine Jacot.
Yale, 219 pp., £16.95, November 1991, 0 300 04997 8
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Utne Reader. Men, it’s time to pull together: The Politics of Masculinity 
Lens, 144 pp., $4, May 1991Show More
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... In 1919, after prolonged study, the Harvard ethologist William Morton Wheeler pronounced the male wasp ‘an etiological nonentity’. An animal behaviourist had scrutinised the male wasp and found – no behaviour. We can well imagine the male wasp’s response to such a verdict: his initial shock and hurt; his descent into a period of depressed introspection; his eventual decision to improve his act ...

Goddesses and Girls

Nicholas Penny, 2 December 1982

... is already passing from fashion. A more modish way of ‘reading’ pictures is represented by Liam Hudson’s Bodies of Knowledge.3 For him the ‘status’ of the garden in Titian’s Woman with a Musician is ‘equivocal’. There are three ‘layers of illusion’ – the space of this garden, the space shared by the woman and the musician, and ...

Chasing Steel

Ian Jack: Scotland’s Ferry Fiasco, 22 September 2022

... advance on Moscow. In fact, Robert Fulton’s steamboat Clermont had started running on the Hudson in 1807, and in the five years before Bell got going on the Clyde half a dozen other steamers had begun to carry freight and passengers on the Delaware, the St Lawrence, the Mississippi and Lake Champlain. Scotland’s great contribution came from the ...

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