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Lord of the Eggs

Liam Shaw: Great Auks!, 15 August 2024

The Last of Its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction 
by Gísli Pálsson, translated by Anna Yates.
Princeton, 291 pp., £22, April, 978 0 691 23098 6
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... established that nobody had seen a great auk for years.In The Last of Its Kind, the anthropologist Gísli Pálsson uses the great auk to consider the ways in which Victorian scientists thought about extinction, relying especially on Wolley and Newton’s unpublished notebooks. Wolley, the older of the two, was a gentleman collector. After a privileged and ...

Under the Staircase

Karl Whitney: Hans Jonathan, Runaway Slave, 19 October 2017

The Man Who Stole Himself: The Slave Odyssey of Hans Jonathan 
by Gisli Palsson, translated by Anna Yates.
Chicago, 288 pp., £19, October 2016, 978 0 226 31328 3
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... In the spring​ of 1801 a young man called Hans Jonathan left the mansion in Copenhagen where he worked as a slave. Going for a walk was allowed: despite his status, he had a degree of autonomy within the walls of the city, then a thriving port with around one hundred thousand inhabitants. But this time he didn’t return. His owner, Henrietta Cathrina Schimmelmann, reported his escape to the police, claiming he had stolen money from her son ...

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