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Inside the Barrel

Brent Hayes Edwards: The French Slave Trade, 10 September 2009

Memoires des esclavages: la fondation d’un centre national pour la memoire des esclavages et de leurs abolitions 
by Edouard Glissant.
Gallimard, 192 pp., €14.90, May 2007, 978 2 07 078554 4
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The French Atlantic Triangle: Literature and Culture of the Slave Trade 
by Christopher Miller.
Duke, 571 pp., £20.99, March 2008, 978 0 8223 4151 2
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... dubious logic that both laws attempted to mandate an ‘official history’). In his foreword to Edouard Glissant’s Mémoires des esclavages, the former prime minister Dominique de Villepin writes that ‘today France wants to look into the face of this tragedy that has left so many open wounds across the world and in her own flesh,’ but is unable ...


Julia Bryan-Wilson: Rosie Lee Tompkins, 17 December 2020

... of African textile traditions in her work. Attempting to give shape to the slave trade, Édouard Glissant wrote: ‘It might be drawn like this: African countries to the East; the lands of America to the West. This creature is in the image of a fibril.’ Glissant imagined the connection between Africa and the Americas as ...

At Tate Modern

Hal Foster: ‘Surrealism beyond Borders’, 26 May 2022

... of ‘archipelagic thought’ now associated with the Martiniquais poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant, for whom ‘continental thought’ sees ‘the world as a single block, as a mass, as a projection’, whereas archipelagic thought ‘thinks not in the world, which would have brought back the idea of conquest and domination, but with the world – in ...


Hal Foster: Curation, 4 June 2015

Ways of Curating 
by Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Penguin, 192 pp., £9.99, March 2015, 978 0 241 95096 8
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Curationism: How Curating Took Over the Art World – And Everything Else 
by David Balzer.
Pluto, 140 pp., £8.99, April 2015, 978 0 7453 3597 1
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... of the cultural interchange facilitated by ‘the new Europe’. Inspired by the Martinican writer Edouard Glissant, Obrist is also taken by notions of artistic ‘creolisation’ and ‘archipelic thought’. Yet what Glissant and Obrist call a new mondialité that allows for cultural alterity others might see as a ...


Michael Wood: Émigré Words, 1 April 2021

Émigrés: French Words that Turned English 
by Richard Scholar.
Princeton, 253 pp., £25, September 2020, 978 0 691 19032 7
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... come to designate a person of mixed African and European blood in certain settings.‘Édouard Glissant,’ Scholar says, ‘defined créolisation as the process whereby several cultures, or elements of those cultures, form unexpected hybrids,’ and the attraction of the term is its preservation of a certain inequality and instability even when ...

Like Heaven

Lorna Scott Fox, 22 May 1997

by Patrick Chamoiseau, translated by Rose-Myriam Réjouis.
Granta, 401 pp., £15.99, March 1997, 1 86207 007 5
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School Days 
by Patrick Chamoiseau, translated by Linda Coverdale.
Nebraska, 156 pp., $13, March 1997, 0 8032 6376 7
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... antillanité – a multiple notion of identity pursued since the Fifties by the Martiniquan writer Edouard Glissant, in a dark poetics of drift – and the more monolithic, Africanist negritude of the earlier generation of Césaire and Léopold Senghor. In School Days, Chamoiseau’s recent childhood memoir, the shortcomings of negritude are spelled out ...

Slavery and Revenge

John Kerrigan, 22 October 2020

... It is far from the only such text. There are tragic works about Haiti by Aimé Césaire, Édouard Glissant, Langston Hughes and Eugene O’Neill. Taken together they secure the point once made by Raymond Williams: ‘A time of revolution is so evidently a time of violence, dislocation and extended suffering that it is natural to feel it as tragedy … there ...

‘I am my own foundation’

Megan Vaughan: Fanon and Third Worldism, 18 October 2001

Frantz Fanon: A Life 
by David Macey.
Granta, 640 pp., £12.99, September 2001, 1 86207 458 5
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... continues to produce remarkable writers, such as the architects of the créolité movement, Edouard Glissant, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant. For them, assimilation, Negritude and nationalism all share the same problem: they are ways of avoiding the island’s complexity. ‘The identity of assimilation,’ Chamoiseau writes, ‘protects ...

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