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Life with Ms Cayenne Pepper

Jenny Turner: The Chthulucene, 1 June 2017

Manifestly Haraway‘A Cyborg Manifesto’, ‘The Companion Species Manifesto’, Companions in Conversation (with Cary Wolfe) 
by Donna Haraway.
Minnesota, 300 pp., £15.95, April 2016, 978 0 8166 5048 4
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Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene 
by Donna Haraway.
Duke, 312 pp., £22.99, August 2016, 978 0 8223 6224 1
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... the reason Jason Moore and Andreas Malm have proposed the term ‘Capitalocene’ instead. Donna Haraway acknowledges that both names have tactical uses in particular contexts, but thinks that neither carries as much complexity as it needs to in what she calls, after Ursula le Guin and her Carrier-Bag Theory of Storytelling, its ‘refurbished net ...

Sister Ape

Caroline Humphrey, 19 April 1990

The Mind Has No Sex? Women in the Origins of Modern Science 
by Londa Schiebinger.
Harvard, 355 pp., £23.50, November 1989, 0 674 57623 3
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Primate Visions: Gender, Race and Nature in the World of Modern Science 
by Donna Haraway.
Routledge, 486 pp., £40, January 1990, 0 415 90114 6
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... evidence of the crucial role of science in the creation of Western ideas of gender. Donna Haraway attacks the same question in reverse. Given Western concepts of gender, what did primatologists, both men and women, read into the ‘nature’ of the baboons and chimpanzees they studied? And what did the stories they told inspire people to ...

At Camden Arts Centre

Martha Barratt: ‘The Botanical Mind’, 22 April 2021

... a wide-eyed challenge to our preconceptions. It also provides the bearings for a new story, what Donna Haraway calls the ‘big-enough story’. The oldest known plants, a clonal colony of aspens in Utah, date from more than seven thousand years ago, almost a millennium before the earliest fossils indicate the impact of humanoids on the planet. In plant ...

Where do we touch down?

Jeremy Harding: Bruno Latour’s Habitat, 15 December 2022

On the Emergence of an Ecological Class: A Memo 
by Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz, translated by Julie Rose.
Polity, 80 pp., £9.99, November 2022, 978 1 5095 5506 2
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After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis 
by Bruno Latour, translated by Julie Rose.
Polity, 180 pp., £14.99, September 2021, 978 1 5095 5002 9
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... the statements of fact were more like statements endowed with ‘fact-like status’. (Or, as Donna Haraway put it, reviewing the book in 1980, ‘scientific production seems more closely to resemble exegesis than discovery.’) ‘What processes operate,’ Latour wondered, ‘to remove the social and historical circumstances on which the ...

Nothing Natural

Jenny Turner: SurrogacyTM, 23 January 2020

Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism against Family 
by Sophie Lewis.
Verso, 216 pp., £14.99, May 2019, 978 1 78663 729 1
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Making Kin Not Population 
edited by Adele Clarke and Donna Haraway.
Prickly Paradigm, 120 pp., £10, July 2018, 978 0 9966355 6 1
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... old neighbours’.Older traditions in anti-racist Marxist feminism are also cited, especially Donna Haraway’s ‘ironic political myth’ of the woman-as-cyborg, ‘the illegitimate offspring of militarism and patriarchal capitalism’, with her ‘monstrous, duplicated, potent’ identity, definable only in the negative, as ‘a self-consciously ...

At Serpentine North

Frances Morgan: ‘Radio Ballads’, 9 June 2022

... and ‘witness’ hangs above a table piled with books by Stuart Hall, Donna Haraway, Audre Lorde and other social and critical theorists, as well as texts on nursing, childcare and social work. (Cammock put together a similar reading table in her Turner Prize-winning installation The Long Note from 2019, a project that ...

Life in the Colonies

Steven Rose, 20 July 1995

by Edward O.Wilson.
Allen Lane, 380 pp., £20, August 1995, 0 7139 9141 0
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Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration 
by Bert Hölldobler and Edward O.Wilson.
Harvard, 228 pp., £19.95, November 1994, 0 674 48525 4
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... or to explain the cause of some piece of ant behaviour. In her remarkable book Primate Visions, Donna Haraway describes how the hunting and collecting passions of the early American safarists like Teddy Roosevelt were sublimated, among later generations of primatologists, in observation and filming. Puzzlingly, for someone whose later passion has been ...

Nutty Professors

Hal Foster: ‘Lingua Franca’, 8 May 2003

Quick Studies: The Best of ‘Lingua Franca’ 
edited by Alexander Star.
Farrar, Straus, 514 pp., $18, September 2002, 0 374 52863 2
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... The image of a wanton Postmodernism appears again in a critique of the historian of science Donna Haraway, who is also judged by one essay alone, her ‘Teddy Bear Patriarchy’ (1984), an analysis of the imperialist ideology inscribed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Here cultural studies stands condemned as too quick to ...

Is it OK to have a child?

Meehan Crist, 5 March 2020

... 10.9 billion by the end of the century. In Staying with the Trouble, the radical feminist icon Donna Haraway suggests the increase in global population expected over the 21st century will ‘make demands that cannot be borne without immense damage to human and nonhuman beings,’ and argues for ‘personal, intimate decisions to make flourishing and ...

Kinda Wispy

Ben Walker: ‘Venomous Lumpsucker’, 2 February 2023

Venomous Lumpsucker 
by Ned Beauman.
Sceptre, 304 pp., £20, July 2022, 978 1 4736 1355 3
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... been made fuzzy by clever execs in the emergent ‘extinction industry’. In passages that recall Donna Haraway or Bruno Latour, Beauman explains that defining extinction has become difficult: ‘A species was not just a set of bodies. It was a set of habits, relationships, territories, entanglements.’ More consequentially, Mosvatia Bioinformatics are ...

What does Fluffy think?

Amia Srinivasan: Pets with Benefits, 7 October 2021

Loving Animals: On Bestiality, Zoophilia and Post-Human Love 
by Joanna Bourke.
Reaktion, 184 pp., £18, October 2020, 978 1 78914 310 2
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... they are easier and more ‘co-operative’ than humans. (In The Companion Species Manifesto, Donna Haraway rebukes those humans who indulge the fantasy that ‘people, burdened with misrecognition, contradiction and complexity in their relations with other humans, find solace in unconditional love’ from animals. The impulse to portray animals as ...

It’s not Jung’s, it’s mine

Colin Burrow: Language-Magic, 21 January 2021

Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations 
edited by David Streitfeld.
Melville House, 180 pp., £12.99, February 2019, 978 1 61219 779 1
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The Carrier Bag Theory Of Fiction 
by Ursula K. Le Guin.
Ignota, 42 pp., £4.99, November 2019, 978 1 9996759 9 8
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... Bag Theory of Fiction (first published in 1988 and now reissued with a thoughtful introduction by Donna Haraway), she described her writing as a ‘great heavy sack of stuff, my carrier bag full of wimps and klutzes … full of beginnings without ends … full of space ships that get stuck, missions that fail and people who don’t understand’. Her ...

We must think!

Jenny Turner: Hannah Arendt’s Islands, 4 November 2021

Hannah Arendt 
by Samantha Rose Hill.
Reaktion, 232 pp., £11.99, August 2021, 978 1 78914 379 9
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... immediacy of love’.But, actually, the reason I started reading Arendt was because of something Donna Haraway wrote in Staying with the Trouble (2016) about Eichmann and ‘the surrender of thinking … of the particular sort that could make the disaster of the Anthropocene, with its ramped-up speciecides and genocides, come true’. You know it’s ...

My Year of Reading Lemmishly

Jonathan Lethem, 10 February 2022

... a cascade of insights and speculations. The book manages to anticipate or pre-empt, among others, Donna Haraway, Richard Dawkins, Timothy Morton and whole shelves of cyberpunk fiction and object-oriented ontology. Lem should have been recognised as a great futurologist, though the book’s density and dry wit would never have sold like Buckminster Fuller ...

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Lauren Oyler: Jia Tolentino, 23 January 2020

Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion 
by Jia Tolentino.
Fourth Estate, 303 pp., £14.99, August 2019, 978 0 00 829492 2
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... met one.)She concludes ‘Always Be Optimising’ with what she implies is the precious fantasy of Donna Haraway’s ‘tricky’ ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’. According to Tolentino, Haraway ‘imagined that women, formed in a way that makes us inextricable from social and technological machinery, could become fluid and ...

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