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The Palimpsest Sensation

Joanna Biggs: Annie Ernaux’s Gaze, 21 October 2021

by Annie Ernaux, translated by Tanya Leslie.
Fitzcarraldo, 74 pp., £8.99, September, 978 1 913097 68 4
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... feeling, but to history, we are two dates engraved in stone, if we’re lucky.It was the death of Annie Ernaux’s father that prompted her to write memoir (her previous three books had been novels), as if the assumptions and structures of fiction crumbled when she wanted to recuperate someone she loved from the mass of history. But writing about her ...

Men are just boys

Marina Warner: Boys’ Play, 6 May 2021

No Boys Play Here: A Story of Shakespeare and My Family’s Missing Men 
by Sally Bayley.
William Collins, 253 pp., £14.99, January, 978 0 00 831888 8
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... when compared to the portraiture methods of, say, Philip Roth (in his Zuckerman novels) or Annie Ernaux, who, in The Years, describes the life of a woman of her generation as if she were a concave mirror, able to capture, from the very edge of vision, the lives of all her contemporaries thronging round her. ...

I don’t know what it looks like

Madeleine Schwartz: Brutalist Paris, 14 December 2023

Brutalist Paris 
by Nigel Green and Robin Wilson.
Blue Crow, 192 pp., £24, February, 978 1 912018 73 4
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Chêne Pointu, Clichy-sous-Bois 
by Éric Reinhardt.
EXB, 319 pp., €39, November, 978 2 36511 387 8
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... lived in the “ville nouvelle” for twelve years and I don’t know what it looks like,’ Annie Ernaux writes in Journal de dehors of Cergy-Pontoise. ‘I can’t describe it either, not knowing where it starts and ends, always driving around … No descriptions, no stories either. Just moments, encounters.’ Although they were designed to ...

The People of the Village

Tash Aw: ‘The End of Eddy’, 16 February 2017

The End of Eddy 
by Edouard Louis, translated by Michael Lucey.
Harvill Secker, 192 pp., £12.99, February 2017, 978 1 84655 900 6
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Histoire de la violence 
by Edouard Louis.
Editions du Seuil, 230 pp., £22, January 2016, 978 2 7578 6481 4
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... of his new identity as class renegade appears to continue the tradition of French writers like Annie Ernaux, in her trio of slim autobiographical novels, and, especially, Didier Eribon (to whom The End of Eddy is dedicated), whose influential memoir Retour à Reims involves a now celebrated writer revisiting the tough working-class childhood in which ...

I must divorce!

Toril Moi: On Vigdis Hjorth, 6 February 2025

If Only 
by Vigdis Hjorth, translated by Charlotte Barslund.
Verso, 343 pp., £12.99, September 2024, 978 1 83976 888 0
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... than men who write about men drinking and writing and sleeping around. For years, Annie Ernaux wasn’t considered a major French writer because she wrote about her own experiences as a woman. It remains more difficult than it should be to get critics to acknowledge that women’s experiences, too, can say something about the human ...


Patrick McGuinness: Back to Bouillon, 6 June 2024

... of the sort we find in Tony Harrison’s poems or the autofiction of Édouard Louis and Annie Ernaux. While the larger, historical rupture between classes might take a generation or more to work itself out, there is always a rupture at the individual level, between people: parents and children, siblings, or, in my grandparents’ case, between ...

Quickening, or How to Plot an Abortion

Clair Wills: The Abortion Plot, 16 March 2023

... her cervix to set off uterine contractions, and now she has to wait. We are on the first page of Annie Ernaux’s first novel, Les Armoires vides, and we are going to have to wait with her. In pregnancy, quickening refers to the first movements of the foetus in the womb, but here we are waiting for a death, and as we turn the pages of the novel and get ...

I want it, but not yet

Clair Wills: ‘Checkout 19’, 12 August 2021

Checkout 19 
by Claire-Louise Bennett.
Cape, 224 pp., £14.99, August, 978 1 78733 354 3
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... first chapter, in which Bennett learns how not to spoil books by not reading them, is taken from Annie Ernaux’s A Girl’s Story: ‘One cannot see the future of something learned.’ The rangy first-person plural of Bennett’s opening (‘we could wonder couldn’t we’ … leading to that snagging ‘ourself’) could put us in mind of the ...

Prejudice Rules

LRB Contributors: After Roe v. Wade, 21 July 2022

... is no longer forbidden, that I can now … face, in its reality, this unforgettable event,’ Annie Ernaux writes in L’Événement, her implacable novel-memoir about what it was actually like to get pregnant and have an illegal abortion in France in 1963 (the novel has now been made into an unsparing film by Audrey Diwan). In France at the time, it ...

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