Economic Theorists, Reasoning Villagers
Amartya Sen, 18 August 1983
Palanpur: The Economy of an Indian Village
by C.J. Bliss and N.H. Stern.
Oxford, 340 pp., £15, October 1982,0 19 828419 5 Show More
by C.J. Bliss and N.H. Stern.
Oxford, 340 pp., £15, October 1982,
“... How can you hide a book that makes a substantial contribution to economic theory? Well, you can call it Palanpur, which is the name of a tiny Indian village. (I look forward to picking up my economic theory in the future from books with such titles as Eynsham and Leamington Spa.) But, in fact, the title is no mystery. This book, which contributes so much to economic theory, is also about the remote Indian village called Palanpur ... ”