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What’s this fork doing?

Andrea Brady: Alice Notley, 7 September 2023

Early Works 
by Alice Notley.
Fonograf, 321 pp., $20.95, February, 978 1 7378036 3 8
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The Speak Angel Series 
by Alice Notley.
Fonograf, 634 pp., $27.95, February, 978 1 7378036 2 1
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... Alice Notley​ was born in Arizona in 1945, and grew up in Needles, California. One of her first jobs was transcribing broadcasts for Radio Free Europe: the work influenced her early poems, which incorporate verbatim phrases from the street and the news – a literalisation of John Stuart Mill’s claim that poetry is eloquence overheard ...

At the Shrink

Janique Vigier, 22 October 2020

... at the New School and began teaching poetry workshops at St Mark’s Church, collaborating with Alice Notley, Ted Berrigan, Robert Creeley and others. John Ashbery and Frank O’Hara were their guiding lights. A new American poetics was taking shape: daily and referential, tough and casual. Between 1967 and 1969 Mayer edited, with Vito Acconci, the ...

On Mary Ruefle

Emily Berry, 14 December 2023

... Blast (2013). ‘I hate adulthood/And I love being alive.’ These lines remind me of an untitled Alice Notley poem: ‘All my life,/since I was ten,/I’ve been waiting/to be in/this hell here/with you;/all I’ve ever/wanted, and/still do.’ In the nursery-rhyme-like ‘Tuna and a Play’ from Dunce, a young speaker gleefully announces: ‘Tonight we ...

My Books

Ian Patterson, 4 July 2019

... doubtless buy more, even though I still have too many to reread in my lifetime. The American poet Alice Notley said recently, in response to a paper about poems finding the right time to be read by a reader: ‘That’s what books are for. You’re supposed to have them and read them when you need ...

Words as Amulets

Ange Mlinko: Barbara Guest’s Poems, 3 December 2009

The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest 
edited by Hadley Haden Guest.
Wesleyan, 525 pp., £33.95, July 2008, 978 0 8195 6860 1
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Women, the New York School and Other True Abstractions 
by Maggie Nelson.
Iowa, 288 pp., £38.50, December 2007, 978 1 58729 615 4
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... omission, but the differences between Guest and the later poets she profiles – Bernadette Mayer, Alice Notley and Eileen Myles – so far outweigh any similarities that it again threatens the whole fragile concept of the New York School. Nelson knows this (‘The poetry associated with the New York School – like any art grouped under a label – is ...

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