Bees in a Deserted Hive
Daniel Soar: Nikolai Gumilev, 27 April 2000
The Pillar of Fire
by Nikolai Gumilev, translated by Richard McKane.
Anvil, 252 pp., £12.95, August 1999,0 85646 310 8 Show More
by Nikolai Gumilev, translated by Richard McKane.
Anvil, 252 pp., £12.95, August 1999,
“... aesthetic, but in their later poems, they caught up with the American Modernists (William Carlos Williams describing the peeling cityscape outside his window): by the time she wrote ‘Requiem’ and he wrote ‘Lines on an Unknown Soldier’, both formally innovative and both concerned with recording the voices of the lost, they had been forced into a ... ”