Help Yourself
R.W. Johnson: The other crooked Reggie, 21 April 2005
Reggie: The Life of Reginald Maudling
by Lewis Baston.
Sutton, 604 pp., £25, October 2004,0 7509 2924 3 Show More
by Lewis Baston.
Sutton, 604 pp., £25, October 2004,
“... In the spring of 1974, as reports multiplied of his involvement with crooks such as John Poulson and T. Dan Smith, Reginald Maudling disappeared to Paris with his wife, Beryl. The Daily Mail’s Harry Longmuir had little difficulty locating him in the ‘Président’ suite of the George V. Checking in himself, Longmuir spent a whole Sunday morning with a confused, disorientated Maudling in his dressing-gown ... ”