Literature and the Left
Marilyn Butler, 18 August 1983
English Literature in History: 1730-80: An Equal, Wide Survey
edited by Raymond Williams, by John Barrell.
Hutchinson, 228 pp., £13.50, March 1983,0 09 149820 1 Show More
edited by Raymond Williams, by John Barrell.
Hutchinson, 228 pp., £13.50, March 1983,
English Literature in History: 1350-1400: Medieval Readers and Writers
edited by Raymond Williams, by Janet Coleman.
Hutchinson, 337 pp., £12, July 1981,0 09 144100 5 Show More
edited by Raymond Williams, by Janet Coleman.
Hutchinson, 337 pp., £12, July 1981,
English Literature in History: 1780-1830: Pastoral and Politics
edited by Raymond Williams, by Roger Sales.
Hutchinson, 247 pp., £13.50, March 1983,0 09 149830 9 Show More
edited by Raymond Williams, by Roger Sales.
Hutchinson, 247 pp., £13.50, March 1983,
The Cambridge Guide to English Literature
by Michael Stapleton.
Cambridge/Newnes Books, 992 pp., £15, April 1983,9780521256476 Show More
by Michael Stapleton.
Cambridge/Newnes Books, 992 pp., £15, April 1983,
“... book because they are studying polished texts of the alliterative revival, like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, or of Richard II’s court, pre-eminently by Chaucer. But, though acknowledging that modern readers are trained to admire Chaucer best among writers of her period, Coleman spends little time on him, and grounds her discussion instead on a more ... ”