That Wooden Leg
Michael Wood: Conversations with Don Luis, 7 September 2000
An Unspeakable Betrayal: Selected Writings of Luis Buñuel
translated by Garrett White.
California, 266 pp., £17.50, April 2000,0 520 20840 4 Show More
translated by Garrett White.
California, 266 pp., £17.50, April 2000,
“... gaiety.Buñuel likes some contemporary directors, but not many. American films, he says. Woody Allen. Stanley Kubrick. ‘That film with those shots of the man’s eye.’ ‘A Clockwork Orange?’ ‘That’s the one.’ Nice thought, coming from the man whose film career began with the image of an eye slashed by a razor. Buñuel tells me a Hitchcock ... ”