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Hare’s Blood

Peter Wollen: John Berger, 4 April 2002

The Selected Essays of John Berger 
edited by Geoff Dyer.
Bloomsbury, 599 pp., £25, November 2001, 0 7475 5419 6
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... John Berger’s selected essays run to nearly six hundred pages, yet that is just the tip of the iceberg if one looks at the totality of his published work: the essays and reviews about the visual arts – drawing, painting, photography, film – but also short stories, journals, screenplays, travel articles, letters, television scripts, translations, novels, poems, even a requiem in three parts which gives a wrenching account of the untimely deaths of three of Berger’s neighbours ...

‘That’s my tank on fire’

James Meek: Video War, 13 April 2023

... of history – the photograph, but also the historical painting. She hints at the relationship Geoff Dyer makes explicit in his essay about Gary Knight’s photograph of US marines outside Baghdad, where he writes of ‘a kind of double stillness: the stunned stillness that comes after a battle and the stillness of oil painting, a stillness that does ...

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