A Moustache Too Far
Danny Karlin: Melville goes under, 8 May 2003
Herman Melville: A Biography. Vol. II: 1851-91
by Hershel Parker.
Johns Hopkins, 997 pp., £31, May 2002,0 8018 6892 0 Show More
by Hershel Parker.
Johns Hopkins, 997 pp., £31, May 2002,
“... fifteen months out of Newport, with 400 barrels. On 11 October (4&°27'S, 104&°37'W) the Joseph Maxwell recorded: ‘at 6 P.M. spoke the ship Cuishnet of Fair-haven 9 mos. 700 b[arre]ls.’ On 15 October the Alexander of New Bedford reported speaking the Acushnet, which then had 550 barrels, and on 23 October the United States of Westport spoke the Acushnet ... ”