Rub gently out with stale bread
Adam Smyth: The Print Craze, 2 November 2017
The Print Before Photography: An Introduction to European Printmaking 1550-1820
by Antony Griffiths.
British Museum, 560 pp., £60, August 2016,978 0 7141 2695 1 Show More
by Antony Griffiths.
British Museum, 560 pp., £60, August 2016,
“... includes prints based on drawings by ‘the best Masters’ of the day, artists such as Francis Barlow and the French academicians Charles Le Brun and Le Clerc) while framing the task as fundamentally accessible: ‘Made easier to the comprehension of Beginners than any book of this kind hitherto made publick.’ The copy from 1755 I looked at had ... ”