Say hello to Rodney
Peter Wollen: How art becomes kitsch, 17 February 2000
The Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience
by Celeste Olalquiaga.
Bloomsbury, 321 pp., £20, November 1999,0 7475 4535 9 Show More
by Celeste Olalquiaga.
Bloomsbury, 321 pp., £20, November 1999,
“... as a ‘Nature Gem’ really all that different from an ‘Atlantis’ reconstructed on a Bahamian beach or the fake ruins of Hubert Robert, both of which she gives as examples of kitsch, just because one is real, the others fake, one melancholic, the others nostalgic? Both categories of object seem to me to trade on the viewer’s engrained sentiments and ... ”