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The End of British Farming

Andrew O’Hagan: British farming, 22 March 2001

... but in all the walking here and there, in the asking and listening, I came to feel that British farming was already dying, that the new epidemic was but an unexpected acceleration of a certain decline.In the last few weeks nearly 100,000 head of livestock have been condemned. The industry has lost £300 million. A freeze still holds on the export of ...

A Car of One’s Own

Andrew O’Hagan: Chariots of Desire, 11 June 2009

... be stuck with car mountains to rival the butter mountains of old. In Britain, it was subsidised farming, quotas and mass production that killed agricultural tradition and put small farmers on the breadline. When the ill wind passes, it could turn out to be the same with cars. The Russian firm Avtovaz has received more than 2o billion roubles in government ...

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