Climate, Politics and Procreation: Banu Subramaniam

Banu Subramaniam and Meehan Crist

In the second episode of a four-part series on climate chaos and reproductive justice, Meehan Crist speaks to Banu Subramaniam, the evolutionary biologist and feminist science scholar. Subramaniam talks about the global persistence of Malthusian thinking, why the focus of policymakers on population often means focusing on the bodies of poor and marginalised women, and how historical anxiety about ‘invasive’ plant species has mirrored the formation of national borders and attitudes towards human migrants.

Other episodes in the series:

Loretta J. Ross

Alison Bashford

Jade Sasser

Produced by Zoe Kilbourn and Sarah Sahim / Music by Kieran Brunt

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