Human Conditions: ‘Sister Outsider’ by Audre Lorde

Brent Hayes Edwards and Adam Shatz

In the final episode of Human Conditions, Brent and Adam turn to Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider, a collection of prose with exceptional relevance to contemporary grassroots politics. Like Du Bois, Césaire and Baraka, Lorde’s work defies genre: as she argues in this collection, ‘poetry is not a luxury’ but an essential tool for liberation. Throughout her work, Lorde sought to find and articulate new ways of living that encompassed her whole self – as a Black woman, poet, essayist, novelist, mother and lesbian. Brent and Adam discuss Lorde’s radical poetics and politics, and the case for poetry, anger, vulnerability, love and desire as the arsenal of revolution.

This podcast was recorded on 21 August 2024.

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Further reading and listening from the LRB

Reni Eddo-Lodge & Sarah Shin: On Audre Lorde

Jesse McCarthy & Adam Shatz: Blind Spots

Sean Jacobs: Chop-Chop Spirit

Ange Mlinko: Waiting for the Poetry

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