Stephanie Burt

Stephanie Burt is a poet and professor of English literature at Harvard. She is the author of Randall Jarrell and His Age, The Art of the Sonnet and After Callimachus, a selection of translations, some of which were first published in the LRB. Advice from the Lights, a collection of poems, came out in 2017. SUPER GAY POEMS is due next year.

Poem: ‘Blown Milkweed Pods’

Stephanie Burt, 6 March 2025

Williamstown, MA

Barely and barely ableto be seen through, theseflat wind-skimming seeds

like little microphonescan amplify the windin any direction. Having

persuaded one anotherin casual confidencethat they will go far, they have chosen

a bad trade: what’s leftof summer for winter; osmoticsatisfaction for sporadic rain;a life in the sun for unpredictable shade,like the one the hurricane...

On Monica Youn

Stephanie Burt, 1 August 2024

Monica Youn’s​ fourth book of poems, From From (Carcanet, £14.99), is her first to dwell at length on her Korean American background, and on the history of Asian America more generally. It’s also her first to rely primarily on long prose poems, or lyric essays, advancing sparely perspicuous, caustically disillusioned arguments about myth and history, cravings and reactions,...

Poem: ‘Horse Chestnuts’

Stephanie Burt, 5 October 2023

Because each year of your life amounts         to less of your lifethan the year before, the things in it change you less.

Horse chestnuts, for example,         beside you in the almost-ready-for-morning frosted grass

as you walk to your car, or         one horse chestnut in particular,its dry spiked ball on a flail

On Brandon Som

Stephanie Burt, 1 June 2023

Brandon Som​ was raised in Phoenix, Arizona, the son of a Chinese American father and a Mexican American mother. His grandfather’s arduous journey from Asia to the US, his grandmother’s time in a microchip factory on the border, his relatives’ work in barbers’, butchers’ and corner shops could form the basis of a memoir, autobiographical novel or case study in...

On Natalie Shapero

Stephanie Burt, 8 September 2022

How often​ has a book of poetry scared you? Natalie Shapero’s third collection, Popular Longing (Copper Canyon, £12.99), with its barbs and quips and dry double meanings, suggests that life, at least in Western civilisation, is not worth living. In ‘And Stay Out’, the idea that ‘slaughter has coarsened the population’ becomes all too plausible:

the only ones...

Toolkit for Tinkerers: The Sonnet

Colin Burrow, 24 June 2010

Sonnets have no rival. They’ve been written about kingfishers, love, squirrels, the moon (too often), God, despair, more love, grief, exultation, time, decay, church bells beyond the stars...

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