Richard Bowring

Richard Bowring Professor of Modern Japanese Studies at Cambridge, is the author of a study of Murasaki’s novel The Tale of Genji.


Origin of Imperfection

11 November 2024

Adam Thirlwell, writing about Yoko Tawada’s novel Suggested in the Stars, remarks that Hiruko ‘seems to be an avatar of the Japanese sun goddess, Amaterasu’ (LRB, 21 November). It helps to know that Hiruko (usually interpreted as ‘leech child’) is actually the first imperfect product of the union of the creation deities Izanagi and Izanami, seen as a horror and abandoned to the sea in...

Why I Quit

10 September 2014

Two phrases stand out in Marina Warner’s Diary: ‘These REF stars – they don’t earn their keep’ and ‘an ecstasy of obedience’. The first illustrates the terrible damage inflicted on academia by successive assessments run by a funding authority (HEFCE) that changes the rules as it pleases with no thought as to long-term goals. Five years ago it was all ‘research, research and don’t...

Ghosts of the Tsunami

6 February 2014

Buddhism and Shinto, Richard Lloyd Parry writes, ‘have been pressed into the service of the true faith of Japan: the cult of the ancestors’ (LRB, 6 February). The situation he describes will be familiar to anyone who has read Carmen Blacker’s The Catalpa Bow (1975), a world where the line between the living and the dead is gossamer thin and where the need to pacify spirits who have been denied...

Don’t Blame Us

17 March 2011

I was forcibly reminded of Iain Pears’s warnings of the coalition’s attempt to ‘extinguish all meaningful independence in higher education’ when I recently learned how Cambridge University, my own institution, plans to maximise its returns in 2013 (Letters, 14 April). There are staff whose whole lives are now devoted to working the system and we are being forced to follow suit. There is, of...

The End of Research

25 February 2010

Ross McKibbin rightly castigates Hefce for the absurdity of using ‘impact’ as a measure of research in the humanities (LRB, 25 February). It is right and proper that universities should be accountable for public funds, but the funding mechanism has for many years been exerting undue influence on the kind of research we do. It generates a form of self-censorship, whereby we aim for short-term benefit...


Brigid Brophy, 6 October 1983

A small ad in Private Eye seeks a companion ‘sexy, feminine and discrete’. Siamese twins, I suppose, need not bother to apply. It is harder to divine why this translation of...

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