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Owen Hatherley

Owen Hatherley’s most recent book is Transitional Objects: Photographs of Poland.

Amerikanist Dreams

Owen Hatherley, 21 October 2021

The Red Gate tower in Moscow, designed by 
Alexei Nikolayevich Dushkin and completed in 1953.

One of the more intriguing​ recent conspiracy theories centres on the putative suppression of a global ‘Tartarian Empire’, which, before it was destroyed either by the world wars or by a tidal wave of mud, went in for an opulent, gigantist architecture of domes and spires,...

From The Blog
8 May 2020

Kraftwerk seemed to be aiming at a kind of electronic Esperanto, an imaginary universal language that anyone could learn, anyone could speak, anyone could dance to.

The Jubilee Line​ used to be one of the better London Underground lines to travel on if, like me, you have Crohn’s disease. When the line was extended in the late 1990s, some of the new stations – Stratford, Canada Water, North Greenwich – were equipped with toilets, a great rarity on the Tube. They weren’t very nice, but if you’re liable to need the loo...

Where are all the people? Jane Jacobs

Owen Hatherley, 27 July 2017

In Enrica Colusso​’s film Home Sweet Home, about the recently ‘decanted’ Heygate Estate in Elephant and Castle, southeast London, a town planner explains why nearly all the buildings around him – a large council estate and a covered shopping centre – have to be demolished. They’re not real streets, he says. They’re monocultures – allowing for...

Strange, Angry Objects: The Brutalist Decades

Owen Hatherley, 17 November 2016

‘For us​,’ Steffen Ahrends told his son Peter, who was born in Berlin in 1933, ‘the history of architecture started with the Soviet 1917 revolution.’ It wasn’t entirely a joke. For many designers in the Weimar Republic, and for subsequent generations of modernist hardliners, 1917 had made possible a reconstruction of life on collective, egalitarian and, above...

London’s promotion to the status of ‘world city’ in the past twenty years has less to do with its diversity than with the opportunities it presents for property investments more stable than gold,...

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Almost Lovable: What Stalin Built

Sheila Fitzpatrick, 30 July 2015

Back in the day, everyone knew that Stalinist architecture was hateful.

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It hits in the gut

Will Self, 8 March 2012

Owen Hatherley understands the dangers of ‘nostalgia for the future’, but he’s too far gone to pull out.

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