Michael Kulikowski

Michael Kulikowski teaches at Penn State. His books include Imperial Triumph: The Roman World from Hadrian to Constantine and Imperial Tragedy: From Constantine’s Empire to the Destruction of Roman Italy.

In my recent piece on Justinian’s Code I inadvertently misstated the point at issue in the central theological controversy (LRB, 21 March). This was indeed Christological, dealing solely with the problem of God the Son and having nothing to do with God the Father. The question was whether the son had two different natures, divine and human, in one indivisible divine person, or was one nature, single...

All Together Now

17 June 2021

Ian Penman gets it mostly right, but there’s more to say about why the Beatles have inspired more cover versions than the Stones. The Beatles, like Bob Dylan (and to some extent Van Morrison and Ray Davies), wrote songs in the same way Schubert or Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote songs. However deeply layered and baroque their own studio versions could be, the elements of the songs are separable...

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