Michael Chessum

Michael Chessum’s This Is Only the Beginning: The Making of a New Left will be published by Bloomsbury.

From The Blog
7 January 2025

Starmer’s strategy of modest progress and alliance-building could be scuppered by the fiscal hawks in his government. Since 2008, British workers have suffered the worst wage deflation in modern history. Without significant progress on pay, even trade union leaders inclined to support Starmer will find it difficult to avoid industrial action. As Callaghan learned to his cost in the period that culminated in the Winter of Discontent, a model of negotiated industrial peace only works if government policy keeps pace with working-class demands.

From The Blog
26 September 2024

Labour members have long used the party conference to push for a more humanitarian approach to immigration and asylum. In Liverpool this week, however, at the redeveloped docks from which more than five million Europeans travelled to America at the end of the 19th century, the only progressive motion on immigration was arbitrarily ruled out of order. On Tuesday afternoon, delegates were instead invited to debate a motion that would have committed the party to ‘establish a new Border Security Command’, ‘negotiate additional returns arrangements to speed up returns’, ‘increase the number of safe countries to which failed asylum seekers can swiftly be returned’ and ‘deliver new counter-terror powers to tackle organised immigration crime’. It pledged to ‘act upstream’ to stop ‘the humanitarian crises’ that fuelled immigration.

From The Blog
8 May 2024

An idea as radical as the nationalisation of the healthcare system, in the teeth of opposition from the medical profession, would never be entertained by the current crop of pundits and political managers. It is only by making Nye Bevan and the NHS into national treasures that our political establishment can leave this contradiction unexamined.

From The Blog
8 December 2023

‘Will Britain soon get its own Geert Wilders?’ Allison Pearson asked in the Telegraph. Britain already has several, and they have been running the government for years.

From The Blog
23 June 2023

The Adriana, a fishing boat, left the port of Tobruk in Libya early on 10 June in an attempt to reach Italy. It was carrying up to 750 people, including more than a hundred children. After almost four days at sea, the boat’s engine broke down and it was left stranded fifty miles off the Peloponnesian coast. In the early hours of 14 June, the boat capsized, with hundreds trapped in the hold and no one on board wearing a life jacket. This is a vision of hell. It is also a glimpse of the future.

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