John Berger

John Berger went to Ramallah in June. His most recent book, Shape of a Pocket, is published by Bloomsbury.

A Moment in Ramallah: in Palestine

John Berger, 24 July 2003

Certain trees – particularly the mulberries and medlars – still tell the story of how long ago, in another life, before the nakba, Ramallah was, for the well-off, a town of leisure and ease, a place to retreat to from nearby Jerusalem during the hot summers, a resort. The nakba refers to the ‘catastrophe’ of 1948 when ten thousand Palestinians were killed and 700,000...

How can colonised peoples free themselves from their self-appointed overlords? And what does freedom mean in a world whose rigid hierarchies have outlasted the formal structures of colonial rule? These...

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Hare’s Blood: John Berger

Peter Wollen, 4 April 2002

John Berger’s selected essays run to nearly six hundred pages, yet that is just the tip of the iceberg if one looks at the totality of his published work: the essays and reviews about the...

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Back of Beyond

John Barrell, 9 April 1992

‘If one thinks of appearances as a frontier, one might say that painters search for messages which cross the frontier: messages which come from the back of the visible. And this, not...

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Vérités Bergères

Frank Kermode, 7 March 1991

This is the third volume of John Berger’s trilogy, ‘Into their Labours’ (‘Others have laboured and ye are entered into their labours,’ John 4.38). The enterprise has...

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