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Jen Stout

Jen Stout has been reporting from Eastern Europe since the start of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

From The Blog
16 March 2023

It takes a few hours to drive from the relative bustle of Kharkiv to the eastern front. It’s remarkable how well the road has been patched up: this territory was taken back by Ukraine in last September’s counteroffensive but over the winter the craters have been filled and temporary bridges built. Burned-out tanks, though, still appear at the side of the road, alongside the blackened shells of overturned cars. 

Short Cuts: In Kharkiv

Jen Stout, 9 June 2022

In​ the second week of May, a man climbed up a ladder and unscrewed a street sign on Moskovsky Prospekt, the longest street in Kharkiv. To cheers and whoops, his co-conspirator dumped the faded blue sign in a bin, and they pasted a replacement onto the chipboard covering a shattered window. The new sign read ‘G. Skovoroda Prospekt’ – the museum dedicated to the Ukrainian...

In Tulcea

Jen Stout, 21 April 2022

As refugees​ began to flee Ukraine on 24 February, reporters headed for the major crossings into Poland and Hungary – Záhony, Barabás, Medyka – and for Siret in northern Romania. I had been on a fellowship programme in Moscow, which advised us to leave the country, so I headed for Isaccea, a small Romanian town on the Danube, close to the Black Sea. Few other...

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