Ed Kiely

Ed Kiely will be a Leverhulme early career fellow at Queen Mary University of London from 2024.

From The Blog
13 October 2023

On stage at the Conservative Party conference, the health secretary, Steve Barclay, kept fumbling his words. Promising to defend women’s voices in healthcare, he mangled a reference to ‘biological sex’. Announcing his flagship measure, a rewrite of the NHS constitution, he stumbled again: the plans will ‘recognise the importance of dialog- … different biological needs and protect the rights of women’. His garbled remarks were translated in a briefing to the Telegraph: the government is planning to ban trans people from ‘single sex’ hospital wards.


Pronoun Trouble

18 May 2023

I make no assumption about the gender identity of David Book, but their letter put me in mind of the lectures I have received from cisgendered men since changing my own pronouns (Letters, 15 June). These men profess a concern with semantic clarity, which apparently I threaten. Yet it often feels as if the ‘non-binary form’ with which they feel ‘a bit uncomfortable’ isn’t linguistic but corporeal.Both...

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