Barry Schwabsky

Barry Schwabsky’s latest book is Heretics of Language, a collection of essays.


Official Poets

5 December 2024

Musab Younis calls Aimé Césaire ‘the only significant modernist figure to have a long and successful career as an elected official’ (LRB, 5 December 2024). His fellow advocate of négritude, Léopold Sédar Senghor, may not be at Césaire’s level as a poet, but can’t be ignored, and spent twenty years as president of Senegal.

To Produce Good Fruits

19 November 2020

In his review of Edgar Degas’s letters edited by Theodore Reff, Julian Barnes succeeds in conveying the artist’s complex personality as well as his pungent way with words (LRB, 19 November). But, presumably following Reff’s translation, he slightly muffs a line from a letter Degas sent from New Orleans to Lorenz Frølich on 27 November 1872. As Barnes has it: ‘If you insist on comparisons,...

A Most Consistent Man: Renoir

Barry Schwabsky, 13 September 2018

The retort​ was cutting. Albert C. Barnes, the Philadelphia art collector who by the time of his death in 1951 owned 181 paintings by Auguste Renoir, was trying to one-up Duncan Phillips, who had recently spent the then considerable sum of $125,000 on Luncheon of the Boating Party – widely considered one of Renoir’s greatest works (and still the highlight of the Phillips...

I live in my world: Willem de Kooning

Barry Schwabsky, 22 September 2016

Could​ anything be more unexpected, in the world of art criticism, than the appearance of a book by Rosalind Krauss on Willem de Kooning? Krauss is a wide-ranging critic and historian of modernism, the author of an influential book on Picasso, but she has been associated above all with minimalist and post-minimalist sculptors of her own generation or slightly older – figures such as...

At Bozar: Luc Tuymans

Barry Schwabsky, 14 April 2011

Luc Tuymans’s painting Altar (2002) depicts a wedding chapel in a Mormon temple. It’s a space that only church members are allowed to enter, so – as Ralph Rugoff recounts in the catalogue to the retrospective of the Belgian painter’s work at Bozar, the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels (until 8 May) – Tuymans based the painting on a photograph taken by a...

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