August Kleinzahler

August Kleinzahler’s collections include Green Sees Things in Waves; The Strange Hours Travellers Keep, which won the Griffin Poetry Prize; Sleeping It Off in Rapid City, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award; The Hotel Oneira and Snow Approaching on the Hudson. His memoir of his childhood in New Jersey, Cutty, One Rock, came out in 2005. Much of it first appeared in the LRB, as did many of the pieces included in Sallies, Romps, Portraits and Send-Offs: Selected Prose 2000-2016.

Poem: ‘August 1995’

August Kleinzahler, 20 June 1996

Under the floorboards Shadow and Smoke bark through these windy summer nights, always at queer intervals. Something’s got up their noses or call and response with a distant yard. All summer long awakened from dreams by barks, remembering each of them through, shabby kinescopes. The guys upstairs come fetch them in the morning and disappear till night, always leaving the light on in the...

Poem: ‘Tanka-Toys: A Memoir’

August Kleinzahler, 28 November 1996

The planet may have tilted, if only a hint when the shelf of cloud burnt angrily before dusk           jack-o’-lantern stuff

her hair the colour of her coat, fallwear


The wet stain her bathing-suit left on the bench           the shape of...

Poem: ‘Self-Portrait’

August Kleinzahler, 6 February 1997

It was a lost dream, a bridges and heights and headed home dream, but too long, far too long and mazey and all the wrong tone. And then there was that station, so massive, with its tiers, platforms, girders and steps, trains rushing through on the express track, filled to bursting, commuters illuminated, each face vivid, highlighted – is that you? – exasperation, fatigue, concern...

Poem: ‘Late Autumn Afternoons’

August Kleinzahler, 17 July 1997

Red pear leaves take the light at four, and a patch of brick on the south, rear wall stripped of wisteria: the two reds embering a little while then dying back into the shadows. A corner of the afternoon is all, maybe half an hour, not much more – October, November ... the beech tree bare now.

Sunday’s blow would have done it. And always the Interstate out there, like surf,...

Poem: ‘52 Pick-Up’

August Kleinzahler, 16 October 1997

Luminoso e dolce



Colourless green ideas sleep furiously






Slow loris


A bit of the other



Amber, civet and musk cods

Wahoo McDaniel




A bit of rough






Ten dwarves took turns doing headstands...

The poems in Live from the Hong Kong Nile Club are taken from August Kleinzahler’s first six publications. All were small press books with relatively limited circulations – the first,...

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Ian Sansom, 7 March 1996

In a power-rhyming slap-happy parody of Thirties doom-mongering published in 1938 William Empson famously had ‘Just a Smack at Auden’: What was said by Marx, boys, what did he...

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