Andy Beckett

Andy Beckett’s book The Searchers, about the Labour left since the 1960s, is out in paperback in May.

Bad Times: Travels with Tariq Ali

Andy Beckett, 20 February 2025

On​ 30 September 2001, Tariq Ali was arrested at Munich airport. His hand luggage contained two objects which were regarded as suspicious: a book by Karl Marx and a copy of the Times Literary Supplement, which included a review, annotated by Ali, of a volume about Algeria. These items were confiscated and he was taken to the airport’s police headquarters. ‘You can’t travel...


Police Trouble

18 February 2021

I’m puzzled by Rhys Crilley’s suggestion that my piece about Los Angeles in the 1960s should have taken into account ‘the way the city is represented in hip hop’, as a place of ‘inequality, racism, violence and police brutality’ (Letters, 18 March). My piece was about precisely those things, except for hip hop, because in the 1960s hip hop didn’t exist. When lockdown permits, he’s welcome...

Motorised Youth Rebellion: Radical LA

Andy Beckett, 18 February 2021

Los Angeles​ is often imagined as a place where fun and culture happen but politics doesn’t. Since it first became a big city in the early 20th century, only a few of its political events have received global attention: the city’s deadly riots in 1965 and 1992; the formative years spent in southern California by Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and the region’s postwar...

Favoured Irregulars: The Paras

Andy Beckett, 24 January 2019

Sentimentality​ about soldiering can be a powerful thing in countries where few people have ever done it. In the United Kingdom, the last national servicemen were demobbed 55 years ago. According to the latest figures, the armed forces have 192,130 personnel, including part-time volunteers – less than 0.3 per cent of the population. The number of full-time servicemen and women has...

In​ 1964, shortly after getting married and landing the first research fellowship at the new Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham, Stuart Hall, the Jamaican-born analyst of Britain, went looking for somewhere to live. He had already been in Britain for 13 years, in Oxford and London. He wasn’t unaware that prejudice against immigrants existed. But the West Midlands...

All about the Outcome: Labour Infighting

Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, 7 November 2024

Labour moves right when the economy is doing well and there’s money to spend, then left when the economy looks to be in crisis and structural reform is needed. Structural reform is certainly needed today. 

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Downhill from Here: The 1970s

Ian Jack, 27 August 2009

The fashion is relatively recent for slicing up history into ten-year periods, each of them crudely flavoured and differently coloured, like a tube of wine gums. Growing up in Britain in the...

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11 September 1973: Crimes against Allende

Christopher Hitchens, 11 July 2002

For many people including myself, 11 September has long been a date of mourning and rage. On that day in 1973, lethal aircraft flew low over a major city and destroyed a great symbolic building: the Presidential...

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