Alexander Clapp

Alexander Clapp lives in Athens. Waste Wars is due next year.

Diary: I was a Greek neo-fascist

Alexander Clapp, 4 December 2014

In Kalamata I introduce myself as an American neo-fascist with a strong interest in Greek history. Sceptically at first, later with fervour, a few members of the Golden Dawn invite me to attend meetings. Their offices tend to be located off main squares, usually in residential buildings in quiet neighbourhoods. Large Greek flags hang on the walls, along with news clippings and redrawn maps: Greece in possession of Skopje and bits of Bulgaria, Greece in possession of northern Turkey, Greece in possession of Cyprus and southern Albania.


Golden Dawn

4 December 2014

Tim Salmon misreads my point about the Mani: it is nonconformist not in itself but compared to other regions of Greece (Letters, 5 February). And while other Greeks may boast about being ‘the fiercest opponents of the Turks’, Maniot claims are substantiated by actual events: the region was independent under Ottoman rule. This means something to a group as historically conscious as Golden Dawn.But...

Diary: The Theorists in Syntagma Square

Alexander Clapp, 9 April 2015

Syriza is the most successful product so far of the left that stayed at home. The first major step towards its eventual election victory was taken in 1992, when a coalition called Synaspismos brought together the leftists who’d stayed in Greece after the Civil War – who were by then Eurocommunists – and many who returned from places like Beloiannisz and were still ‘orthodox’ communists. Three years later, almost half of these orthodox communists left the coalition because of what they saw as too many capitulations to capitalist interests.

On Mykonos: On Mykonos

Alexander Clapp, 16 July 2015

The hotel​ where I worked was called the Mykonos Grace. It was a whitewashed stucco building of 32 rooms. Most went for hundreds of euros a night – around what each of the staff made in a month. The cheapest rooms were at street level. An angry French couple once uploaded a video to TripAdvisor of every truck that rumbled past their room over the course of an afternoon. Rooms on the...

Talking about Leonidas

Alexander Clapp, 9 June 2022

The Greeks threatened the painstakingly constructed post-Napoleonic order. There were three million of them, Christians who lived across an area stretching from the Greek mainland to Cyprus to the coasts of Asia Minor to Constantinople itself, all within an Ottoman Empire whose decline was the subject of open diplomatic speculation. ‘What is Greece?’ Metternich had asked when the prospect of an independent Greek state was raised at the Congress of Vienna. No one could give a precise reply. 

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