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Long slide, are you coming
many a man never learns
how to do it

Long slide, many years
inside and outside
the same long slide

Long slide, fair warning
the children who died
need not have died

Long slide, amusement park
here you can buy what’s on offer
let’s put a fence around pleasure

Long slide, new bed
some things never get old
however often they’re done

Long slide, playground
dogs are not nannies
sex? the secret? most people don’t like it

Long slide, Holocene
the mind is not infinite
that glacier disappeared

Long slide, new water
some gnats will fly a clean mile
libraries close before midnight

Long slide, who shall abide
the day of his coming
incredulity governs our days

Long slide, taut bow
one more second you will hit it
a target is in time not space

Long slide, cleft air
a cry can mean pain or joy
the ice skater checks her laces

Long slide, sudden plunge
too much on the edge
leads to disaster

Long slide, many eyes
the hero requires a crowd
cats make more choices than dogs

Long slide, serotonin
some women do not want children
snow on the mountain melts in the sun

Long slide, question mark
even if you know you’re made of cells
you can’t quite feel it

Long slide, loose tether
who dreams of becoming an astronaut
some want cryogenic sleep

Long slide, downhill all the way
Leonard Woolf wrote an autobiography
La vida es un sueño de un sueño

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