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Vol. 42 No. 3 · 6 February 2020

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 42 No. 3 · 6 February 2020

Katherine Rundell

Consider the Hermit Crab


Charles Hope, Ben Lewis, John Belchem, Aaron Hicklin, Angela Devas, Charles Boddicker, Simon Garrett, Leslie Philibert, Detlev Mares, David Book, Sarah Hutton, Katrina Forrester, Philip Temple, Rachel Beaumont, Paul Pritchard

Sheila Fitzpatrick

Cold War Exiles and the CIA: Plotting to Free Russia by Benjamin Tromly. Oxford, 329 pp., £75, September 2019, 978 0 19 884040 4
The Dissidents: A Memoir of Working with the Resistance in Russia, 1960-90 by Peter Reddaway. Brookings, 337 pp., £25.50, February, 978 0 8157 3773 5

James Butler

What Happened?

Jonathan Parry

Short Cuts: Harry Goes Rogue

Stefan Collini

Liberalism at Large: The World According to the ‘Economist’ by Alexander Zevin. Verso, 538 pp., £25, November 2019, 978 1 78168 624 9

Cora Gilroy-Ware

At Tate Modern: Kara Walker’s ‘Fons Americanus’

N.A.M. Rodger

The War for the Seas: A Maritime History of World War Two by Evan Mawdsley. Yale, 557 pp., £25, August 2019, 978 0 300 19019 9

Paul Rogers

Against the Current

Samuel Moyn

Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century by George Packer. Cape, 592 pp., £25, May 2019, 978 1 910702 92 5

Stephanie Burt

Four poems after Callimachus

Christian Lorentzen

Your Duck Is My Duck by Deborah Eisenberg. Europa, 240 pp., £18.99, August 2019, 978 1 78770 182 3

Clair Wills

On Paul Muldoon

Namara Smith

Guestbook: Ghost Stories by Leanne Shapton. Particular, 320 pp., £22, March 2019, 978 1 84614 493 6

Terry Eagleton

A Cultural History of Tragedy: Vols I-VI edited by Rebecca Bushnell. Bloomsbury Academic, 1302 pp., £395, November 2019, 978 1 4742 8814 9

Michael Wood


Elizabeth Prettejohn

The Collected Works of Walter Pater, Vol. III: Imaginary Portraits edited by Lene Østermark-Johansen. Oxford, 359 pp., £115, January 2019, 978 0 19 882343 8
The Collected Works of Walter Pater, Vol. IV: Gaston de Latour edited by Gerald Monsman. Oxford, 399 pp., £115, January 2019, 978 0 19 881616 4
Walter Pater: Selected Essays edited by Alex Wong. Carcanet, 445 pp., £18.99, September 2018, 978 1 78410 626 3

Rae Armantrout

Two Poems

Adewale Maja-Pearce

Diary: In Monrovia

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