Vol. 41 No. 14 · 18 July 2019

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Cover Artist

Naomi Frears


Laura Moss, Huw Kyffin, Ian Rumfitt, Henry Day, Blaine Stothard, Peter Malpass, Colin Burrow, Ken Head, Adam Sisman, Richard Bunce, Ben Grant

John Lanchester

Good New Idea

Seamus Perry

W.S. Graham: New Selected Poems edited by Matthew Francis
W.S. Graham edited by Michael Hofmann

Andrew O’Hagan

At the Grand Palais

Mike Jay

Red Round Globe Hot Burning: A Tale at the Crossroads of Commons and Culture, of Love and Terror, of Race and Class and of Kate and Ned Despard by Peter Linebaugh

William Davies

Short Cuts: Reasons to be Cheerful

Adam Tooze

Die Getriebenen: Merkel und die Flüchtlingspolitik – Report aus dem Innern der Macht by Robin Alexander
Die SPDBiographie einer Partei von Ferdinand Lassalle bis Andrea Nahles by Franz Walter
Germany’s Hidden Crisis: Social Decline in the Heart of Europe by Oliver Nachtwey, translated by Loren Balhorn and David Fernbach
Die Schulz Story: Ein Jahr zwischen Höhenflug und Absturz by Markus Feldenkirchen

Eleanor Nairne

At Tate Liverpool: Keith Haring

Michael Hofmann

The Train Was on Time by Heinrich Böll, translated by Leila Vennewitz

Lucie Elven

The Girl on the Via Flaminia by Alfred Hayes
My Face for the World to See by Alfred Hayes
In Love by Alfred Hayes

Stephanie Burt

On Sophie Collins

Owen Bennett-Jones

Pakistan’s Nuclear Bomb: A Story of Defiance, Deterrence and Deviance by Hassan Abbas

Clare Bucknell

Itch, Clap, Pox: Venereal Disease in the 18th-Century Imagination by Noelle Gallagher

Steven Rose

Freedom’s Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science by Audra J. Wolfe

Brian Dillon

At the Duveen Galleries: ‘The Asset Strippers’

Chris Mullin

Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-75 by Max Hastings

Cheli Durán

Diary: No me olvides

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