Vol. 38 No. 18 · 22 September 2016

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Anne Rothenstein

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Vol. 38 No. 18 · 22 September 2016

David Bromwich

What are we allowed to say?


Charles Hope, Carla Wartenberg, David Martin, Mazen Labban, Eleni Liarou, Stephen Massil, Cristina Chimisso

Jacqueline Rose

The Lesser Bohemians by Eimear McBride. Faber, 313 pp., £16.99, September 2016, 978 0 571 32785 0

Thomas Laqueur

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. Bodley Head, 228 pp., £12.99, February 2016, 978 1 84792 367 7

Colin Burrow

On Alice Oswald

Michael Hofmann

The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens by Paul Mariani. Simon and Schuster, 512 pp., £23, May 2016, 978 1 4516 2437 3

Alice Spawls

At the Shops

N.A.M. Rodger

The Silent Deep: The Royal Navy Submarine Service since 1945 by Peter Hennessy and James Jinks. Allen Lane, 823 pp., £12.99, June 2016, 978 1 84614 580 3

Tom Crewe

Short Cuts: Ed Balls

Adam Shatz

So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighbourhood by Patrick Modiano, translated by Euan Cameron. MacLehose, 160 pp., £8.99, September 2016, 978 0 85705 499 9

Ankur Betageri

Three Poems

Barry Schwabsky

Willem de Kooning Nonstop: Cherchez la femme by Rosalind Krauss. Chicago, 154 pp., £22.50, March 2016, 978 0 226 26744 9

Dmitri Levitin

The Invention of Science: a New History of the Scientific Revolution by David Wootton. Penguin, 784 pp., £12.99, September 2016, 978 0 14 104083 7

John Burnside

Poem: ‘To the Snow Queen’

Stephen Walsh

Franz Liszt: Musician, Celebrity, Superstar by Oliver Hilmes, translated by Stewart Spencer. Yale, 353 pp., £25, June 2016, 978 0 300 18293 4

Matthew Bennett

Ed Tech Biz

T.P. Wiseman

Beyond Greek: The Beginnings of Latin Literature by Denis Feeney. Harvard, 382 pp., £25, January 2016, 978 0 674 05523 0

Michael Wood

At the Movies: Victor Erice

John Gallagher

This Orient Isle: Elizabethan England and the Islamic World by Jerry Brotton. Allen Lane, 358 pp., £20, March 2016, 978 0 241 00402 9

Kristin Surak

The Cosmopolites: The Coming of the Global Citizen by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian. Columbia Global Reports, 166 pp., £10, November 2015, 978 0 9909763 6 3

Ben Mauk

Diary: From Suspected Arson to Misplaced Cigarette

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