Vol. 37 No. 15 · 30 July 2015

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Cover Artist

Cressida Bell


Robin O’Malley, Brian Slocock, Peter Green, Joanne Mariner, Tom Rivers, Colin Darch, Keith Flett, Martin Sanderson, Frank Donald, Josephine Boot

Sheila Fitzpatrick

Landscapes of Communism: A History through Buildings by Owen Hatherley

Julian Barnes

Ever Yours: The Essential Letters by Vincent van Gogh, edited by Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten and Nienke Bakker
Van Gogh: A Power Seething by Julian Bell

Adam Mars-Jones

Sphinx by Anne Garréta, translated by Emma Ramadan

Frederick Wilmot-Smith

Court Cuts

Don Paterson

Poem: ‘Four Poems’

Jenny Diski

Why can’t people just be sensible?

Steven Shapin

Empire of Tea: The Asian Leaf that Conquered the World by Markman Ellis, Richard Coulton and Matthew Mauger

Perry Anderson

One Exceptional Figure Stood Out

Julian Bell

At the Watts Gallery: Richard Dadd

Andrew O’Hagan

Short Cuts: The Other Atticus Finch

Colin Kidd

The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century by George Molyneaux
The English and Their History by Robert Tombs
Conquests, Catastrophe and Recovery: Britain and Ireland 1066-1485 by John Gillingham
From Restoration to Reform: The British Isles 1660-1832 by Jonathan Clark
Britain since 1900: A Success Story? by Robert Skidelsky

Emily Berry

Poem: ‘Tragedy for One Voice’

Steven Mithen

Earth’s Deep History: How It Was Discovered and Why It Matters by Martin Rudwick

Rosemary Hill

Princes at War: The British Royal Family’s Private Battle in the Second World War by Deborah Cadbury

David Edgar

Jeremy Thorpe by Michael Bloch
Closet Queens: Some 20th-Century British Politicians by Michael Bloch

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Touch of Evil’

Tariq Ali

Diary: In Athens

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