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Vol. 33 No. 19 · 6 October 2011

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Vol. 33 No. 19 · 6 October 2011

Daniel Soar

The Googlisation of Everything (and Why We Should Worry) by Siva Vaidhyanathan. California, 265 pp., £18.95, March 2011, 978 0 520 25882 2
In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works and Shapes Our Lives by Steven Levy. Simon and Schuster, 424 pp., £18.99, May 2011, 978 1 4165 9658 5
I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 by Douglas Edwards. Allen Lane, 416 pp., £20, July 2011, 978 1 84614 512 4


John Heelan, John Stephenson, Jack Adrian, Bill Gilmour, Ollie Brock, Peter Davies, Janet McAllister, J.G.A. Pocock, Elizabeth Crawford, Joe Nuttgens

Neal Ascherson

To the Ends of the Earth: Scotland’s Global Diaspora, 1750-2010 by T.M. Devine. Allen Lane, 397 pp., £25, August 2011, 978 0 7139 9744 6
The Inner Life of Empires: An 18th-Century History by Emma Rothschild. Princeton, 483 pp., £24.95, June 2011, 978 0 691 14895 3

Thomas Nagel

Assisted Death: A Study in Ethics and Law by L.W. Sumner. Oxford, 236 pp., £35, July 2011, 978 0 19 960798 3

James Wood

Sent East

W.G. Sebald

Poem: ‘I Remember’

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’

Peter Campbell

At the Royal Academy: Degas

Christopher Beha

The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. Fourth Estate, 406 pp., £20, October 2011, 978 0 00 744129 7

Robert Alter

Cain by José Saramago, translated by Margaret Jull Costa. Harvill Secker, 150 pp., £12.99, July 2011, 978 1 84655 446 9

Andrew O’Hagan

Short Cuts: Tweeting at an Execution

Mattathias Schwartz

Spills and Spin: The Inside Story of BP by Tom Bergin. Random House, 294 pp., £12.99, July 2011, 978 1 84794 081 0
A Hole at the Bottom of the Sea: The Race to Kill the BP Oil Gusher by Joel Achenbach. Simon and Schuster, 276 pp., $25.99, April 2011, 978 1 4516 2534 9

James Romm

Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, a Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy by Angeliki Kottaridi et al. Ashmolean, 264 pp., £25, April 2011, 978 1 85444 254 3
A Companion to Ancient Macedonia edited by Joseph Roisman and Ian Worthington. Wiley-Blackwell, 668 pp., £110, November 2010, 978 1 4051 7936 2
Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC–300 AD edited by Robin Lane Fox. Brill, 642 pp., €184, June 2011, 978 90 04 20650 2

Mark Mazower

Sarajevo, 1941-45: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Hitler’s Europe by Emily Greble. Cornell, 276 pp., £21.50, February 2011, 978 0 8014 4921 5

Susan Pedersen

Structures and Transformations in Modern British History edited by David Feldman and Jon Lawrence. Cambridge, 331 pp., £50, January 2011, 978 0 521 51882 6
The Peculiarities of Liberal Modernity in Imperial Britain edited by Simon Gunn and James Vernon. California, 271 pp., £20.95, May 2011, 978 0 9845909 5 7
Classes, Cultures and Politics: Essays on British History for Ross McKibbin edited by Clare Griffiths, John Nott and William Whyte. Oxford, 320 pp., £65, April 2011, 978 0 19 957988 4

Robert Crawford

The Rest on the Flight: Selected Poems by Peter Porter. Picador, 421 pp., £12.99, May 2010, 978 0 330 52218 2

Colin Burrow

Richard Bentley: Poetry and Enlightenment by Kristine Louise Haugen. Harvard, 333 pp., £29.95, April 2011, 978 0 674 05871 2

Hal Foster

On Richard Hamilton

Jean Sprackland

Diary: In the Mud

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