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Vol. 31 No. 8 · 30 April 2009

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Colin Burrow

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. Fourth Estate, 653 pp., April 2009, 978 0 00 723018 1


Abraham Foxman, Louis Harovitz, Lesley Beaven, Aldo Agosti, Alfio Bernabei, Gabriel Kahn, Robin Blake, Kate Soper, Mark Dow, Garth Clarke, Loren Biggs, Roger Mallion

Jeremy Harding

The Money that Prays

Neal Ascherson

The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell, translated by Charlotte Mandell. Chatto, 984 pp., £20, March 2009, 978 0 7011 8165 9

James Wood

James Wood writes about the manipulations of Ian McEwan

Daniel Kane

Two Poems

Frank Kermode

The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen. Vol. IX: Later Manuscripts edited by Janet Todd and Linda Bree. Cambridge, 742 pp., £65, December 2008, 978 0 521 84348 5
Jane’s Fame: How Jane Austen Conquered the World by Claire Harman. Canongate, 342 pp., £20, April 2009, 978 1 84767 294 0

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Thomas Jones retreats to his cave

Terry Eagleton

What Price Liberty? How Freedom Was Won and Is Being Lost by Ben Wilson. Faber, 480 pp., £14.99, June 2009, 978 0 571 23594 0

Jenny Diski

Diary: Back to School

Hugh Wilford

The Most Noble Adventure: The Marshall Plan and the Reconstruction of Postwar Europe by Greg Behrman. Aurum, 448 pp., £25, February 2008, 978 1 84513 326 9
Winning the Peace: The Marshall Plan and America’s Coming of Age as a Superpower by Nicolaus Mills. Wiley, 290 pp., £15.99, August 2008, 978 0 470 09755 7

Tom Nairn

Union and Unionisms: Political Thought in Scotland, 1500-2000 by Colin Kidd. Cambridge, 312 pp., £15.99, December 2008, 978 0 521 70680 3

Alexander Murray

The Crisis of the 12th Century: Power, Lordship and the Origins of European Government by Thomas Bisson. Princeton, 677 pp., £23.95, November 2008, 978 0 691 13708 7

Anne Carson

Poem: ‘Wildly Constant’

Tim Parks

Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalisation of Democratic Nationalism 1830-1920 edited by C.A. Bayly and Eugenio Biagini. Oxford, 419 pp., £45, September 2008, 978 0 19 726431 7

Peter Campbell

At the New Whitechapel: Isa Genzken

Daniel Finn

Diary: IRA Splinter Groups

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