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Vol. 30 No. 23 · 4 December 2008

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Vol. 30 No. 23 · 4 December 2008

Neal Ascherson

A Chance to Join the World


Lyn Julius, Adam Shatz, Shankar Gopalakrishnan, Chester Aaron, Patrick Renshaw, Solomon Hughes, David Gordon, Anders Stephanson, Clancy Sigal, Raymond Clayton, Alex Callinicos, Anthony Harding, Tony Colman

Donald MacKenzie

An Address in Mayfair

John Burnside

Two Poems

Adam Phillips

The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War by Alexander Waugh. Bloomsbury, 366 pp., £20, September 2008, 978 0 7475 9185 6

Robert Vitalis

The Bin Ladens: The Story of a Family and Its Fortune by Steve Coll. Allen Lane, 671 pp., £25, April 2008, 978 1 84614 124 9

August Kleinzahler

Poem: ‘Hollyhocks in the Fog’

Mahmood Mamdani

Lessons of Zimbabwe

Ruth Padel

Poem: ‘The Sea Will Do Us All Good’

Michael Neill

Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works edited by Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford, 2016 pp., £85, November 2007, 978 0 19 818569 7
Thomas Middleton and Early Modern Textual Culture: A Companion to the Collected Works edited by Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Oxford, 1183 pp., £100, November 2007, 978 0 19 818570 3

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Malcolm Gladwell

Elizabeth Lowry

Apology for the Woman Writing by Jenny Diski. Virago, 282 pp., £16.99, November 2008, 978 1 84408 385 5

Sarah Howe

In Zodiac Light by Robert Edric. Doubleday, 368 pp., £16.99, July 2008, 978 0 385 61258 6

Michael Wood

Histoire(s) du cinéma directed by Jean-Luc Godard.

Hugh Pennington

Florence Nightingale: The Woman and Her Legend by Mark Bostridge. Viking, 646 pp., £25, October 2008, 978 0 670 87411 8

Inga Clendinnen

Van Diemen’s Land: A History by James Boyce. Black, 388 pp., £20.75, February 2008, 978 1 86395 413 6

Tim Parks

Gomorrah: Italy’s Other Mafia by Roberto Saviano, translated by Virginia Jewiss. Pan, 424 pp., £8.99, October 2008, 978 0 330 45099 7
Gomorrah directed by Matteo Garrone.October 2008

Mark Whittow

At the Royal Academy: Byzantium

Paul Mitchinson

Janáček: Years of a Life, Volume I by John Tyrrell. Faber, 971 pp., £60, November 2006, 0 571 17538 4
Janáček: Years of a Life, Volume II by John Tyrrell. Faber, 1074 pp., £60, November 2007, 978 0 571 23667 1

Leah Price

Diary: The Death of Stenography

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