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Want to learn the source,
the cool under the surface fire?
Watch the heron:

he snatches the silver voice
from the throat of the river
and swallows it live.

How quick the water heals
and speaks again, how many
darting notes among the reeds.

Follow with your rod and line,
tear a wound
and drag out an echo.

Take home your hoard of silver.
Run a blade along
the seam of the belly,

spill the redblack treasure,
scrape off the mirrorwork.
There. Look. What have you learned?

The dead reek on the slab.
A small heap of tricks.

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The Editor
London Review of Books,
28 Little Russell Street
London, WC1A 2HN


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Vol. 30 No. 13 · 3 July 2008

In the LRB of 19 June we published two poems, ‘The Source’ and ‘In the Afternoon’, which we attributed to Jean Sprackland. She is indeed the author of ‘The Source’, but the author of ‘In the Afternoon’ is Charles Simic. We would like to apologise to both of them.

Editors, ‘London Review’

send letters to

The Editor
London Review of Books
28 Little Russell Street
London, WC1A 2HN


Please include name, address and a telephone number

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