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Vol. 28 No. 14 · 20 July 2006

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

Anne Hollander

Lee Miller by Carolyn Burke. Bloomsbury, 426 pp., £12.99, March 2006, 0 7475 8793 0


Paul Seabright, John Lanchester, Colin Matthews, Tony Wood, Iain Boal, Bill Grantham, Eleanor Allen

David Edgar

John Osborne: A Patriot for Us by John Heilpern. Chatto, 528 pp., £25, May 2006, 0 7011 6780 7

Jenny Diski

Lion’s Honey: The Myth of Samson by David Grossman. Canongate, 155 pp., £12.99, June 2006, 1 84195 656 2

Ilan Pappe

In Court

Jeremy Harding

I Didn’t Do It for You: How the World Used and Abused a Small African Nation by Michela Wrong. Harper Perennial, 432 pp., £8.99, January 2005, 0 00 715095 4
Unfinished Business: Ethiopia and Eritrea at War edited by Dominique Jacquin-Berdal and Martin Plaut. Red Sea, 320 pp., $29.95, April 2005, 1 56902 217 8
Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa edited by Robert Rotberg. Brookings, 210 pp., £11.99, December 2005, 0 8157 7571 7

Philippe Sands

The Limits of International Law by Jack Goldsmith and Eric Posner. Oxford, 262 pp., £17.99, February 2005, 0 19 516839 9
War Law: International Law and Armed Conflict by Michael Byers. Atlantic, 214 pp., £16.99, April 2005, 1 84354 338 9

Chalmers Johnson

Spying on the Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea by Jeffrey Richelson. Norton, 702 pp., £22.99, April 2006, 0 393 05383 0

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: Blurbs and puffs

Jeremy Waldron

Courting the Abyss: Free Speech and the Liberal Tradition by John Durham Peters. Chicago, 309 pp., £18.50, April 2005, 0 226 66274 8

John Mullan

The Life of Daniel Defoe: A Critical Biography by John Richetti. Blackwell, 406 pp., £50, December 2005, 0 631 19529 7
A Political Biography of Daniel Defoe by P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens. Pickering & Chatto, 277 pp., £60, January 2006, 1 85196 810 5

Michael Wood

At the Movies: ‘Rebecca’

J. Hoberman

Andy Warhol Screen Tests: The Films of Andy Warhol Catalogue Raisonné: Vol. I by Callie Angell. Abrams, 319 pp., £35, April 2006, 0 8109 5539 3

Amanda Claybaugh

Frank Norris: A Life by Joseph McElrath and Jesse Crisler. Illinois, 492 pp., £24.95, January 2006, 0 252 03016 8

Peter Campbell

At Tate Modern: Kandinsky

Eleanor Birne

The Story of You by Julie Myerson. Cape, 312 pp., £12.99, June 2006, 0 224 07801 1

John Lanchester

Diary: Among the Balls

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