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Vol. 27 No. 3 · 3 February 2005

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Peter Campbell

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Vol. 27 No. 3 · 3 February 2005

Eliot Weinberger

What I Heard about Iraq


Thomas Davies, Patrick Collinson, Bernard Liengme, Teresa Grant, Andrew Jotischky, Christopher Small, Nick Chapple, Virginia Warren, Phil Edwards, Sylvia Elias, Andrew Sheppard

Thomas Nagel

A Life of H.L.A. Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream by Nicola Lacey. Oxford, 422 pp., £25, September 2004, 0 19 927497 5

Linda Colley

The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815 by N.A.M. Rodger. Allen Lane, 907 pp., £30, September 2004, 0 7139 9411 8

Edwin Morgan

Poem: ‘An Old Woman’s Birthday’

Rashid Khalidi

After Arafat

Terry Eagleton

The Pope in Winter: The Dark Face of John Paul II’s Papacy by John Cornwell. Viking, 329 pp., £20, February 2005, 0 670 91572 6

Thomas Jones

Short Cuts: The smothering of Babylon

David Wootton

Dick Turpin: The Myth of the English Highwayman by James Sharpe. Profile, 258 pp., £8.99, January 2005, 1 86197 418 3

Christopher Tayler

Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters by William Tsutsui. Palgrave, 240 pp., £8.99, December 2004, 1 4039 6474 2

Don Paterson

Poem: ‘Aphorisms’

Tessa Hadley

Feed My Dear Dogs by Emma Richler. Fourth Estate, 502 pp., £17.99, January 2005, 0 00 718985 0

Elizabeth Lowry

The Last Flight of the Flamingo by Mia Couto, translated by David Brookshaw. Serpent’s Tail, 179 pp., £9.99, March 2004, 1 85242 813 9

Peter Campbell

At the Science Museum: The Rolls-Royce Merlin and other engines

Paul Driver

Mendelssohn: A Life in Music by Larry Todd. Oxford, 683 pp., £25, October 2003, 0 19 511043 9

Steven Shapin

Bordeaux by Robert Parker. Dorling Kindersley, 1244 pp., £45, December 2003, 1 4053 0566 5
The Wine Buyer’s Guide by Robert Parker and Pierre-Antoine Rovani. Dorling Kindersley, two volumes, £50, December 2002, 0 7513 4979 8
Mondovino directed by Jonathan Nossiter.November 2004

John Whitfield

The Earth: An Intimate History by Richard Fortey. Harper Perennial, 501 pp., £9.99, March 2005, 0 00 655137 8

Naomi Shepherd

Diary: Israel’s longing for normality

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