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Vol. 25 No. 7 · 3 April 2003

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Cover Artist

Peter Campbell

David Runciman

Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order by Robert Kagan. Atlantic, 104 pp., £10, March 2003, 1 84354 177 7


Ian Britain, Matthew Rendall, Maurice Coakley, Mary Evans, Keith Flett, Daniel Dennett, Mark Crees, Alan Penny, Valentin Lyubarsky, Chris Purnell, Paul Romney, A.J. Wade

Ross McKibbin

Why did he risk it?

Slavoj Žižek

Paranoid Reflections

Peter Clarke

Lloyd George: War Leader by John Grigg. Allen Lane, 670 pp., £25, October 2002, 9780713993431

Charles Glass

Waiting to Watch the War

Richard Poirier

Painted Shadow: A Life of Vivienne Eliot by Carole Seymour-Jones. Constable, 702 pp., £9.99, September 2002, 1 84119 636 3

Michael Hofmann

Poem: ‘Broken Nights’

David Simpson

Sweet Violence: The Idea of the Tragic by Terry Eagleton. Blackwell, 328 pp., £55, August 2002, 0 631 23359 8

Jeremy Harding

Short Cuts: France’s foreign policy

Art Spiegelman

‘In the Shadow of No Towers’, episode 4: The comic continues

Edward Hooper

Aids and the Polio Vaccine

Christopher Tayler

You Shall Know Our Velocity by Dave Eggers. Hamish Hamilton, 350 pp., £16.99, February 2003, 0 241 14228 8

Danny Karlin

When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka. Viking, 160 pp., £9.99, January 2003, 0 670 91263 8

Ruth Franklin

The Royal Game by Stefan Zweig, translated by B.W. Huebsch. Pushkin, 79 pp., £8, April 2001, 1 901285 11 1

Peter Campbell

In the Marketplace: at the picture-dealer’s

Daniel Soar

Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion by Feng-hsiung Hsu. Princeton, 300 pp., £19.95, November 2002, 0 691 09065 3

John Sutherland

Douglas Jerrold: 1803-57 by Michael Slater. Duckworth, 340 pp., £25, September 2002, 0 7156 2824 0

Carl Rakosi

Three Poems

David Garrioch

The Politics of Appearance: Representation of Dress in Revolutionary France by Richard Wrigley. Berg, 256 pp., £15.99, October 2002, 1 85973 504 5

Jacob Beaver

Diary: Harold Beaver

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